Max Payne 1

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A Solution To All Your Problems!!!

Hey Hey Hey!!! All u ppl talking nonsense about Max Payne!
Well I'm have been a die hard fan of Max Payne since it's release and lemme give a solution too all your problems.

1. I've also experienced problems while playing MP1 on XP. Actually I can't say how it ran on an Intel MB, as one member has cited here. But it surely has problems with it on XP. I earlier had SIS 650 & later changed to the VIA Pro Savage DDR and it ran superbly on both of'em with XP as the OS. Two of my friends who had Intel MBs cudn't run the same.

2. Now to tell why does MP1 has a problem on XP. Well, u can see it in the documentation itself. The Remedy says that MP hasn't been tested for XP so they aren't sure about its working on XP. And definitely they are right, citing the case of Intel MBs here. The reason being that, MP was developed during the years 199-2000 and released in 2001. The same year XP was released. So the Beta testers cudn't test it for XP platform. Hence the problem.

3. And finally coming to the patches of MP. Lemme tell u that the patch only corrects some graphic problems concerned with MP, viz. flashing of SysTray icons while loading and gameplay,etc. It has nothing to do with the running of the game.

4. Coming to MP2, there are no such problems at all.

That's it! I'm finished wid my explanation. If anybody finds any more problems after this then he/she can contact me. And in the future don't go out blabbing anything abt something abt which u r not sure. It is an insult to the game itself! Heh!

OK then. Bye!


In the zone
mp1 works on my pc(win xp pro,128 mb ran,nvidia tnt2 model 64 pro) who told yal it doesnt work i just completed the game a few months back.
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