Linux Users Group [LUG]

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Ambassador of Buzz
Dear Friends,
Come 23rd November AT NIT [National Institute of Tech.] Durgapur, WB LUG is being inaugaruted. Now, I use WinXP, and know next to nothing abt Linux. This "club" will try to initiate the uninitiated in the world of OpenSource. MD of IBM India is coming in himself to inaugarate the club!.

When in Std.XI I tried using Mandrake 9.0. I experienced the userfriendliness and confusions of Linux both!! Damn Me! I couldn't get to run C++ in Mandrake! Got frustrated and went back to Win!!

I wud really like to see what Linux has to offer. As it is opensource its got immense potential [Me being a 1st yr student of Comp.Sc.]. I along with my batch mates will really try to explore this new world of Opensource.

I hope My Seniors r upto no Mischief. :wink:
So let me know what u thnk.
:) :)


Go to the Software Discussin section in the forum. There you'll get enough thread on linux for a beginner. They are real helpfull, give it a try!
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