Linux is Pain!!!

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The Thread Killer >:)
Recently installed Linux Mint Cassandra KDE, as there are a whole lot more packages than gnome and I swear that I'm VERY happy, but they could do a better job adding the more basic softwares. For example, K3B was missing and I had to download it. Making use of a full 4.5GB of a DVD would be wiser than just 2GB of issuing the distro. Overall, it feels really fresh after having this Mint :D


I was able to install Ubuntu practically with no hassle at all. I did not find any difficulty. I think its plainly written. Easy to udnerstand. Get the DVD edition if you dont have internet con. Cause even with it you might have to download a couple of things. If you are a person who does number crunching stuff like encoding or DVD/cd writing theres a huge performance increase. All my hardwrae was detected I took my system to the internet cafe near by and I didnt configure anythign and the network was already autodetected and I could see every single machine he has in my Network.

Im wiriting the process I did with pictures but it still a work in progress. If you are a Tv Tuner Card user Check the Chipset model and confirm Linux supports befopre working on it.

Hope this helps.
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