Lessons from Apple

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rockthegod said:
1) The Windows Point n Click GUI that we all are so much used to was actually developed to be used on Macs (innovation) by apple [I said NOT INVENTED by Apple]. MS just USED that idea and improved on it. :)

Which further means MS was better in doing this compared to Apple. Yes Apple came with a GUI first, but it was MS which made it compatible with El Chepo Pentium Pro with Windows 95

2) IPod changed the idea of PMPs with the incorporation of an iinovative sleek design and extreme capacities for audiophiles. Its Still THE BEST PMP out there in terms of sheer quality of music. NO PMP Still has still gotten the better of the audio quality of IPods.

iPhone & features? Lolz...nope they don't go together. When iPod was released then yeah, u could say that...but after iPod gen 3, it started to suck. iTunes became a bloat, ipods started lacking in features (not even recording of audio) & over priced

3) iPhone is a disaster and a Junk as a phone but again is extremely innovative as a PMP. (Wishing Apple wud remove the phone features and sell it as a standalone PMP ...wow!!!... I love the huge n beautiful screen... )

Yup, even I agree to that. iPhone sux s a phone but rox as a PMP


I dont know much abt the macs but as far as the ipod is concerned its a realy a worth buying ,no other mp3 player can deliver the sound quality that ipod can ,.............now i m waiting for the the iphone ,if it goes the same way as the ipod im surely going to buy a one iphone


Dark Overlord !!!
gx_saurav said:
Which further means MS was better in doing this compared to Apple. Yes Apple came with a GUI first, but it was MS which made it compatible with El Chepo Pentium Pro with Windows 95

Forceful implications!!! :) I never mentioned anywhere that Apple DIDN'T improve on the GUI. Apple inproved it faster than MS could. Again the positive point for MS was to make that compatible with dirt-cheap (when compared to Gs) pentiums and make it easily available to us (as u rightly mentioned) which obviously Apple couldn't at the start!!!

gx_saurav said:
iPhone & features? Lolz...nope they don't go together. When iPod was released then yeah, u could say that...but after iPod gen 3, it started to suck. iTunes became a bloat, ipods started lacking in features (not even recording of audio) & over priced

I was talking about the IPOD and not IPHONE in my second paragraph (read properly please). IPOD Gen 5 is the best... I already tested the past 3 gens of ipods... the latest gen is much improved with a bigger and better screen + improved battery life + a plastic scratch resistant cover on the face of the iPod... with as always the best music quality out there. VIDEO also ROKS!!! :)

My only gripe is ITUNES :( THAT IS THE MOST SUCKING THING OF IT and just drag-n-drop is what i have always preferred.


The Internationalist
There is no holy grail in the IT Industry. What worked today can turn out a flop tomorrow. IBM, Dell, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo or Apple - all had their glory in their times for hitting the jackpot. Apple is doing it now and just two years does not make it the biggest in the industry and doesn't make the rest fools.
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