League of Legends


noooo, why u betray the master race? :p
Trying it. Not leaving Doto either.

Matches are of short duration as compared to Dota, thats why wanted to try it.
Also, LoL has cartoonish- light theme where as Dota as serious-dark theme. I wanted a light moba.


Trying it. Not leaving Doto either.

Matches are of short duration as compared to Dota, thats why wanted to try it.
Also, LoL has cartoonish- light theme where as Dota as serious-dark theme. I wanted a light moba.
If you are a Dota veteran, you will find LOL to be quite easy. But let me tell you now, the community is horrible and most often than not, I've muted players only to find that some matches are better that way. Also, Summoner's Rift (the main map) is getting a visual upgrade, which some say is very similar to the dota map, so the cartoony look may not last, at least for the map.


I used to play in the NA server, but obviously horrible pings. I'm now playing in the EUW server where I get pings of 120ms so it's cool.


Superhuman Spambot
The NACC is back for 2015! | League of Legends
Collegiate | League of Legends

WTF! Riot is actually giving scholarships to play LoL in college. To think I am applying to 3 and possibly 4(UC Irvine) of the 5 colleges this year. Hope I get selected to one of them. ^_^
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