League of Legends


Re: League of legends community

is it a new engine or something? just came across this so posted :razz:


Re: League of legends community

no idea, i dont think they will change engine
that dragon looks really cool

- - - Updated - - -

seems like there are a lot of visual updates lined up
new Karthus also looks very good visually, i just hope they update Kayle again
More old champions are also getting visual updates


Re: League of legends community

That is so so neat and finally we get an update for Summoners rift. And Goddamn does it look good. I
It literally made me feel the way I felt when I saw the skyrim trailer for the first time. And that too when I've had enough with the community and decided to switch it dota. Riot knows how to pull back their players. :)


Cyborg Agent
Re: League of legends community

That is so so neat and finally we get an update for Summoners rift. And Goddamn does it look good. I
It literally made me feel the way I felt when I saw the skyrim trailer for the first time. And that too when I've had enough with the community and decided to switch it dota. Riot knows how to pull back their players. :)

I am in office and cant look at any videos or contents of that sort or gaming sites now. Can you please brief it for me??

BTW, I am playing dota 2 too. Trying to learn the champs there :)


Re: League of legends community

Sure, AFAIK, the new summoner's rift has much better quality textures and sound fx..
The monsters in camps have been completely redesigned with newer animations and sounds..
They have a spawn animation everytime they spawn from being killed which is pretty cool IMO
Here are some pics

most of the work here is WIP, they will be pushed to the PBE server soon, its still a long time before it reaches us though


Re: League of legends community

I am in office and cant look at any videos or contents of that sort or gaming sites now. Can you please brief it for me??

BTW, I am playing dota 2 too. Trying to learn the champs there :)

Yeah, i used to play DOTA way way back. However, i was just enjoying LOL a lot more. Now, I do not enjoy playing ranked as much ias i used to in LOL since it all seems pointless. You know, the usual, 4 v 5s, feeders meh.
Also, a brilliant advantage of DOTA is the SEA servers which gives you an amazing 70ms latency. I LOVE IT. The community is equally horrible, but the amount of trolls ive faces are far lesser than the ones in LOL, at least for me. And there are so many fcking champions to learn. Its fun.
However, the new summoner's rift will definitely pull me back. -_- It looks just like Dawngate, which ironically, was accused of borrowing LOL ideas in the first place XD


Re: League of legends community

Reached Silver 3 !!!!
Hopefully wont get demoted and get to gold before season ends :D
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Re: League of legends community

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Superhuman Spambot
Re: League of legends community

New Draven Skin is amazing.
I am waiting for Dunk Master Darius, that' gonna be Legendary(literally).


Re: League of legends community

All female skins are so over-sexualised.. except for maybe Jinx ..
Seen the new caitlyn VU ? Rito u perverted perverted bunch !
PS: Not saying its a bad thing lol


Sith Lord
Staff member
Re: League of legends community

yeah.. they contort in acrobatic ways, and at least a few of their limbs are dislocated
its bad, because it looks painful
tristana is also not sexualised


Re: League of legends community

All female skins are so over-sexualised.. except for maybe Jinx ..
Seen the new caitlyn VU ? Rito u perverted perverted bunch !
PS: Not saying its a bad thing lol
XD I know what you mean. Almost all splash arts have a titillating theme. Coming to think of it, Kayle might be the only female character who's completely covered.


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