For the central server, check these:
1) Dell PowerEdge T100 Tower server
2) HP ML110 G5 or G6 series
3) IBM System X series
These three are value servers targeting small and medium businesses. You can select from Intel core 2 duo to high end Xeon, normal SATA HDD to SAS storage
Desiibond thx for ur reccomendations but i wont be doing any coding or softaware any sensitive data related work that i need a server with SAS storage, n xeon proccy.... it will be normal chaloo office work nothing much as i have put before for microsoft word n internet surfing....(internet surfing will be implemented in a later stage) n i guess these system will cost me a lot something like 50-80K anywhere if i configure it with a quad... so this is out of question... i will show u the math in a moment....
IMO Go for GCard..9600GT will offload all the Graphics processing easily and not heavy on pocket..
Try get any server/Workstation Board...
X58 will and i7 as it is one time buy..along with TX750 minimum even HX1000 or such will be better as later you will observe the extra Power.
AMD PII X4 will also good in low budget but AMD based workstation board are rare to find.
4GB Rams are good but IMO if you get the i7 then opt for minimum 1GBx3 kit..
In low cost CM Gladiator will do/Lian Li K56/CM690..
Keep in mind to get a good airflow as your server will run 24x7 and on load 60-75% minimum.
Too tired to write..
Why I am saying this things if you want to be clarified I will tell, but do post here..
However this is advice is not personal but practical situation too..
@thunder.02dragon i was planning to go for the i7 but the cost is very very prohibitive the cost of the i7 n the X58 itself comes upto 25-30K n my budget for the server system is 30K.... ok now here i m jotting down the math for u guys to understand.... pls remember i need to save money but i need a sturdy system... As i have mentioned above the idea of going with AMD AM3 based chipset is to get future support for phenom II X6..... thats the only primary consideration....
pls go to the above mentioned site n if u cant understand what i m talking about u can check there i m going for the X550 series which gives me 5 users per PCI card since i m looking for 11users i will have to install 2 PCI cards @5 users each.;... here is the exact cost breakup which i got yesterday from the dealer
X550 Sries (includes PCi card n 5 access device) each is costing me 15950/- X2Nos
LCD 16" monitor BenQ ----4800/- X 11Nos
Keyboard n mouse combo-----350/- X 11Nos
(prices r inclusive of VAT n all the bullshit to raise the prices)
Plus i have to add the cost of the server system which i will be building-----30000/-
total come upto 1,18,550/- plus i have to purchase CAT 6 cable for internal wiring
so in short i have a budget of 120K.... if i go for individual system (which i was planning) the cost goes upto 1.8Lacs plus the humongous electricity bill every month... so the saving is a lot n plus i have to place only the lcd n the access device (which can be mounted behind the monitor) n keyboard n mouse.....
so now u guys tell me what setup i have to go for the main server system cant go for the i7 its very costly i dont wanna go with a core2quad because the LGA 775 socket is gonna gooo soon(i need DDR3 mem n those core 2duo n quads r gonna be gone next year so no upgrade cycle)....
@thunder.02dragon i dont mind putting an graphic cards but it should be PCi powered n it should run cool.... i will first get the system without the graphic card n see its performance n if required i dont mind putting a new one

n yes the system wont be running 24X7 but only 9-6pm everyday but loads i have taken completely at 100% (to be safer)
guys pls pls pls help me make a decision m confused like anything.....
NB: @thunder.02dragon n yes i need pratical advice thats y i m speaking with u guys