even a zotac gtx260 will leave this card to dust!
where did u get that from ??
9800gtx was not sold much cos 8800 gt was already going great at that time and 9800gtx was about $100 more... 9800gtx+ was launched to hush up the HD4850 ...and HD4850 just swept the market away ...hardly anybody bought the 9800gtx+ ...and due to threat from HD4870... gtx260 prices were cut down ....so it was as cheap as HD4870 ..so in $200 region HD4850 ...sold out like a hot cake and in $300 region HD4870(against gtx260) did that ...since 9800gtx+ was and still is $20 higher placed than a HD4850 ....people went for HD4850 cos $20 means a lot of all buyers(almost everybody wants value for money)..and 9800gtx+ gave only 5-10 fps more in some games ...which only works on paper cos while playing those 5-10 FPS will hardly be felt by any gamer ....only people who wanted nvidia card went for it(nVidia fanboys and nVidia fanatics) ......just google and u will know actually how many people bought it ....or better go to tomshardware/anandtech or guru3d forum and ask them ..everyone will sugges to u shell out a little more and go for HD4870.
nvidia went into loss after a huge 6 year gap in the history of 10 years of making GFX cards ....
its so bad that in share market to survive they had to put on "share buy back program" of $1 billion.....u can guess what has happened in last 2 months or so and u say ...9800gtx+ is one of the best selling card .....???whats ur basis of saying this ???had it been best selling ...condering the card lauched only two months ago ...nVidia shouldn't be facing any losses.....
nvidia shares went down 3 years low in last 2-3 months or so ...thats when ur beloved 9800gtx+ actually got lauched ....and i don't know from where u convinced urself ...9800gtx/9800gtx+ are hot sellers ...they never were and they never will be ..
wrong time and wrong choice(9800gtx+) to see what nVidia has to offer....
PhysX is just immature,..even the physics computation algorithm incorporated in UT3 is faulty and not close to realism..it will a mainstream technology but ...not until a year and half or so ...
if u can shell out 15k and u are buying a killer system i think u can still squeeze out a HD4870 ..thats not a problem ...but the point is u want to go for nVidia
with ur 22" monitor u will be getting 100 FPS for a game with the card u are buying ..with all max setting and someone other with HD4850 will get 80~85 FPS....and while playing game anything above 60 fps ...no one will be able to recognize any difference...so whats the point ..??? they are better off spending 5.5k less than u ...
but as its ur money ..u can buy whatever u want and ...i m sure even here in the forum no one will be advocating u to for a 9800gtx+(perhaps only for Kpower),many have already told u....but ur decision is last and final ..and i hope u get happy and satisfied with what u buy .....cos ultimately thats what matters
no more on this topic from me now !!...i have said enough !!
peace out !