last psu burned my mb...need a new one


^^^ apart from the checks suggested above, please check if your mobo is shorting due to improper mounting, rustetc...
Please check if all the pins on the cpu appear normal.

if all fails takke it to the service centre --the cpu mobo and ram, and ask them to test using the diagnostic card...


In search for Tech Gyan!
overheating takes some time right...but in my case the psu light glows for just a fraction of second and then turns off..with 24 pin plug connected the psu runs...with rams connected the pau runs but as soon as i connect the 4pin pcie plug the psu starts and within a second stops...after that even if i remove the 4 pin pcie plug the mobo doesn't start for atleast 15 minutes...
From this I infer that the problem is occurring only when you are connecting the PCI-E plug (wait a minute, where and why are you plugging in the PCI-E connector. You don't have the graphics card. right?). Try running it without the PCI-E connector plugged(?)


Broken In
aloodom: its very tiring travelling 50 i would be really happy to solve the problem myself..i just rma'd the mobo so i guess they properly checked the rusting and stuff.

cyberkid: sorry bro its a plug like the pci-e was a 8 pin plug that divided into 2 4 pin ones..i am plugging it in JPWR2 slot..dont know what the plug is called but i think you know what i mean.


Broken In

so you can see that psu is working ram is working and the mobo is getting the power because the heatsink fan is working but as soon as i plug in the 4 pin power cord the heatsink fan and psu spins for a fraction of second and then stops...if u can help me then please do or do i have to put this problem in another section..!!

The Sorcerer

oh wow...Xenforo!!!
As I said before- the 4 pin and the pcie pin are 2 different stuff. I hope you didn't force (or still trying to use) the pcie cable on the 4 pin ATX connector- or you've not installed the 4 pin properly :p.

Your board doesn't look like its fixed- atleast judging by the way you're explaining- or something else. That seem to be the case with a friend's maximus V Gene, it worked on an el cheapo power supply (and on the power supply with the older design) but not on the newer Corsair one. Its actually a feature to make sure the end user doesn't really make it worse. Its observed in AX Series (and possibly newer GS Series does the same in your case) is that it doesn't boot the motherboard if the power regulator is damaged- most likely the regulators dedicated to supply power to the processor. The older design power supply does it- and even the cheaper ones, but eventually the system hangs, even if you spend some time idling around the case. I am not saying that IS the case, but after trying to understand what you tried to say above, that's most likely the case. I haven't read the latest ATX specs, but I think it does shuts down if there's something wrong with the voltage regulation. Maybe its the ATX spec- or the design that newer power supplies follow.

2 very possible reasons:
#1. The board is not repaired properly
#2. The board cannot pull that much power for the 125w hexacore.

Did you check the spec of the 1055T that you've bought, is it 95w version or the 125w version??? It looks like you are using a 125w version. Even MSI states that its compatible with 95w hexacores only for this board. Confirm and reply back.

If that's the case, well- consider yourself lucky the first time (well....). Reason being that you could have damaged (or maybe already damaged?) the processor. I am also speculating that's the case because that somewhat explains why you bummed your board twice, along-with using a substandard power supply. a proper power supply with the newer ATX spec will not let you boot the system if something is wrong rather than forcing that much power through the 4 pin (then again- not possible via a 4 pin unless the power regulation on the board is pretty screwed up.... but then again MSI showed it in their CPU support list it supports only 95w hexacores so...).

In any case, what I said above is a speculation. Let me know the TDP of the processor and let me know...

Who was the one recommended this config to you in the first place? He didn't do a good job apparently. Still, confirm it and let me know.
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Broken In
the board worked fine for 8 months without any issues maybe they didn't repair it...i've rma'd the board twice already and the service centre is very far from my is there any way to get a new mobo instead of waiting for the repair...i can file a complaint if thats necessary also should i rma the proccesor too.!???

The Sorcerer

oh wow...Xenforo!!!
^^ Did you even bother to answer to the question I've asked above? Its not possible for anyone help anyone properly if they can't do the needful. If you've asked advice before purchase on the forums, we wouldn't be having this conversation and you wouldn't have through so much hassle.


Broken In
i dont know about all that stuff..sorry
so i borrowed a friends cpu..checked all the stuff turns out that the processor is fine and the mobo doesnt work with all his stuff plugged i think that the board was never just tell me how to make them pay for their dishonest work...and i really appriciate your help..
my friend said that he got a new mobo when he tried to rma it(intel)
can't i do something like that..also the first time i rma'd the board they gave me an old piece possibly 2-2.5 years old..thats wrong right!!!!
so what to do...thank you
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