Laptop HDD + Casing OR External HDD ??

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Please let me know which is an economical option, whether to buy a Laptop HDD along with its casing or an external HDD ?
I am in need of a 250/320 Gb capacity one.

Any help in the regard will be appreciated *

Also suggest some options with their price if possible.
PS: I dont want the HDD to be very big in size, a portable one will do.

basically want a slim version at a reasonable price if possible. A 250Gb would do if it fits in my budget (which i havent yet decided on). I am searching for a good deal.

plan to move my HDD from one location to another and also connect it to my PS2.
250gb 2.5inch drive western digital + casing will cost you rs.4500
250gb 3.5inch external hdd will cost rs4000
250gb 3.5inch seagate + casing will cost rs2800

So buy a 250gb seagate drive seperately get get it cased...


But that it means i need to have a separate power supply to it? Moreover what about shocks that it will have to bear while i travel using it. Wont it create problems for the drive. And when you mean by the seagate drive do u mean the standard desktop HDD that you get right?
How much does the casing cost and will the store guys themselves do the whole casing thing for me?


Tribal Boy
AFAIK (I may be wrong), external HDD is a better idea always. The reason being - internal HDD are made not to withstand heavy shocks. They are meant to be inside the tower and not for moving.

I am using Western Digital Passport (that was 80 GB, bought 2 or 3 yrs back, USB interface, no additional battery needed, working pretty well - the prices gone down, so you may get 250 GB for a good price) and pretty happy with it.


Ambassador of Buzz
Laptop HDD + Casing is a cheaper option but less reliable. Internal HDD are not ment to withstand shocks. However if there is not going to be much of moving around its a good option.


I may need to carry the HDD to Office and while traveling also. So i suppose a desktop HDD with casing wont be a good idea. I suppose i should better go for a company made external HDD. So now can anyone please let me know what are the rates of external HDD having USB connectivity (additional power supply feature will be a add-on) and size of 250Gb or more. And the best place in Mumbai to buy the same. Lamington Road is one i know.
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