Klite codec cant play sound MP4 video

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Cyborg Agent
It was working fine till last 3 days, I don't know what setting changed that now I cant get sound from my MP4 files, only video plays.

Earlier it played fine both in WMP 10 & Media player classic. Al other file types are working fine in media player classic. I un installed the older version & updated to the latest today but that too did not solve the problem.

Can someone tell me what setting has to be done to get my mp4 sound back.


dá ûnrêäl Kiñg
restart the pc after uinstalling klite,then install the new version and try
or u can use system restore ...


Cyborg Agent
I tried both but that did not work, quite strange that it was working till 3 days ago.

I just found that my quick time movies are also not giving me sound anymore, seems some registry cleaning which I did few days ago has done this change but system restore should have solved that but that too does not help.

What to do?
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dá ûnrêäl Kiñg
open that registry program look for any backed up registry ,usually these kind of programs takes a registry backup automatically before cleaning. if u find it restore it.

Also try uninstalling all media players frm the pc,then uinstall sound drivers frm device manager
find new drivers for ur sound card and install new drivers and then klite.


Cyborg Agent
Its my bad luck that I didnt take a backup of registry this time since I already had done so 10 days back.

Sound driver cannot be the problem as I am having sound with all other file formats, only MP4 & mov files which are related to quick time are not having the sound only video.

I am doing a reinstall of quick time & see if that solves the problem.


dá ûnrêäl Kiñg
^yea ,sound driver is not the problem,but simply uninstalling the sound driver installing it again will force windows to reset all sound configuration to default which others programs may hav missed after the registry cleaning.


Cyborg Agent
I think I have found out the problem.
I tested on another system & when I play a MP4 files, it uses "Haali media spilter" along with ffdshow audio decoder & show these 2 in right side bottom of the screen.

This is not loading (Haali media spilter) on my comp for some reason. Thats why MP4 sound is missing.

Now does any one know where should I enable Haali media spilter to be used?
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