KDEmod4.2 "The Answer" gets 9/10 - SUPERB.
I am posting right now from KDEmod4.2 in ArchLinux. KDEbase already had an update.
Anyway, KDE 4.2 is simply AWESOME.
Its still somewhat slow on 256MB RAM.
But the visual effects, plasmoids, menus and the whole interface - its simply fabulous. I have never seen a better Desktop Environment in my life, and this beats MacOS 10.5, Windows 7 and Gnome 2.4 hands down. Its ULTIMATE.
And now I am 99.99999% sure that Windows 7 superbar is nothing but an imitation of KDE4's Plasma Panel.
KWin-compositor is much lighter on resources than Compiz Fusion. I suppose this makes it the lightest composite window manager ever next to Xfce4.4-composite.
Konqueror has a spell checker which has a small issue - it checks spelling as I type each letter, and not as I type each word. So for example, when I just typed example, it underlined the word when I had finished typing "exa". But I can live with it.
KDE4.2 is much much more responsive compared to KDE4.1. Hats off to the KDE team.
And yeah, I am still sticking to Xfce4.4 because I have less RAM, however, when I get an upgrade, I am coming back to KDE4. And hopefully, KDE4.3 will be out by the time my new rig arrives, around June-July.