^^Thanks for inspiring me to write a bigger review.

Best thing would to try it out and see for yourself whether you like it or no.If you want a platform as stable as KDE 3.5.9, with all the awesome KDE apps at their stable best [Amarok, K3b, Konqueror etc.], this version *may* not be for you.I say this because I installed Amarok 2 on my Arch box and it crashes right after the splash screen.Posting on Amarok forums, I was told to install debug packages to generate a backtrace.The debug packages are way too huge for me to download.So, I can effectively bid farewell to this version of amarok.Am using Exaile instead.Is it really THAT good or we, linux users, are being too biased here?
Try clearing ~/.kde/ and/or ~/.kde4/this is not "the answer" for me. kde 4.1 was better although with less features. plasma crashes for no worthy reasons, even when knotify shows a notification!!!