Karunanidhi is Ravana in Allahabad Dussehra

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do Karunanidhi thinks he can say something like this on something related to Mohammadiyar's(Islam)?

because we dont say any thing Foolish....... we have a proof for each and every thing..... which u dont.....
Now ur telling about ram sethu
and dont know any one what ur going to do tomorrow....


Senior Member
^ karunanidhi wants muslim votes... thats why he wont dare to say anything that will hurt their sentiments. but nobody cares for hindu's in hindustan. not even hindu's.

and what proof do you have? our proof is our belief.


Its better if 'other' religious people keep out of this, but @Qadirahmed I wonder what wud u have said if Karunanidhi had said, "Who is Muhammed", "What proof do u have that he existed", and whether "If u have seen allah? If not how come u believe in him? and many other similar questions"!

I am not trying to annoy u in any manner, but just giving u a glimpse of what we r discussing here. Can u provide proofs? There r some things whose "proofs" fade with time and only remnants remain and foolish people then argue for proofs!!

naveen said:
well by having guts and speaking out the truth about GOD`s...
I wud luv to see ur goggleboy speaking the same bt other religions to the core if he has the guts!


@ everyone who asks proof:

Well as I told earlier that geologists can make a better comment, please go and read the comment of head of geology dept on Wikipedia page abt Ram Setu.

Geological Survey of India's former director, S. Badrinarayanan claims that such a natural formation would be impossible, He justifies the same by the presence of loose sands layer under corals for entire stretch. Corals normally form above rocks.."[38] [39]. He feels that thorough analysis was not conducted by Geological Survey of India before undertaking SSCP project. In connection with the canal project, the Madras High Court in its verdict, stated that the Rama Sethu is a man-made structure. [40].Geological and archaeological findings of Teri formations, rich assemblage of Mesolithic-Microlithic tools and human fossils found on both sides of the bridge by Department of Earth-Science in March 2007 are also quoted as evidence for manmade structure.

Even if we leave all this aside for a moment, as I said earlier a multilane superexpressway shall be way better economically and ecologically!


And as for after effects, I guess my probabilty of lands getting submerged was correct after all.

The Encyclopedia Britannica describes the bridge thus, 'Adam's Bridge also called Rama's Bridge, chain of shoals, between the islands of Mannar, near northwestern Sri Lanka, and Rameswaram, off the southeastern coast of India.'

Apart from such issues of heritage and belief, there are genuine concerns regarding security and the tsunamis' impact increasing in case the Ram Setu is destroyed. If the new channel is created through the present Rama's bridge, international ships would pass through it making a de facto international boundary between India and Sri Lanka, facilitating an increased alien presence, burdening our navy to a great extent.

So far the sea between India and Sri Lanka has been recognised as historic waters, though the United States has been pressurising to have it declared as international waters and said in a naval notification in 2005 that it does not accept the sea between India and Sri Lanka as 'historic'. The US declaration and the role of the Tuticorin Port Trust, the nodal agency to implement the Sethu Samudram Canal Project coupled with the haste with which the project was inaugurated, has given rise to many unanswered questions.

The US Navy operational directive refusing to accept the sea between India and Sri Lanka as 'historic' was made on June 23, 2005. The Prime Minister's Office sent some queries in March 2005 to N K Raghupathy, chief of the Tuticorin Port Trust. He sent answers to the PMO's queries on June 30, 2005 and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with United Progressive Alliance Chairperson Sonia Gandhi inaugurated the project on July 2, 2005. Why were the queries sent to the TPT and not to an agency which had scientific authority to look into the geological and maritime aspects of the project? Why did the prime minister and the UPA chairperson rush to inaugurate the project without, prima facie, having the time to look into the answers given by the TPT chief? Why was the present route okayed which essentially requires the destruction of the Ram Setu, while other options, closer to Dhanushkodi, which did not touch the Ram Setu were ignored?

Local fishermen, Hindus, Muslims and Christians alike oppose the present route and are demanding alternative channels, which are available. They say the present channel would destroy marine life and corals. This will kill the trade in shankas (shells) that has a turnover in excess of Rs 150 crore (Rs 1.5 billion) per annum. Invaluable thorium deposits would be affected, which are too important for our nuclear fuel requirements.

Professor Tad Murthy, the world renowned tsunami expert, who advised the Government of India on the tsunami warning system and edited the Tsunami Journal for over 20 years, has also warned that the present Setu Samudram route may result in tsunami waves hitting Kerala more fiercely. In a reply to a query regarding the Sethusanmudram's impact, he wrote, 'During the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004, the southern part of Kerala was generally spared from a major tsunami, mainly because the tsunami waves from Sumatra region travelling south of the Sri Lankan island, partially diffracted northward and affected the central part of the Kerala coast. Since the tsunami is a long gravity wave (similar to tides and storm surges) during the diffraction process, the rather wide turn it has to take spared the south Kerala coast. On the other hand, deepening the Sethu Canal might provide a more direct route for the tsunami and this could impact south Kerala.'

The issue concerns us all, and should be taken up as Indians, without getting entangled in party lines and political games. The Ram Setu or Adam's Bridge belongs to all humanity, being an important heritage site; hence the government should not allow it to become another issue affecting Hindu sensitivities. Nobody is opposing the Sethu Samudram Project, only a realignment of the route is being asked, as the present one destroys the Ram Setu.

Neways here's another very interesting read! MUST READ!!


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
Gr8, then it seems pieces of wisdom from GITA fits perfectly for confused souls like u who might have scolded their own parents who tried to "advise" them to reason logically and humanely!!

first of all i dont follow gita .. and secondly my parents have rgiht not u MR .. INDIAN IDOL...

R u trying to make a joke of urself or r u on full booze? I make an exception for u who wud feel no shame to say such thing if another war happens between INDIA and pakistan! :oops:

I didnt say iwill leave MY country INDIA when there is a war ....
as i said u come to premature conclusion...first my home second my state third my country ... rest will fall later..
if u have problem in it .. u can go to H8ll

Then sorry to advise again, that apart from GITA u need to read Ramayana too in its original Sanskrit form instead of following a goggleboy who feels no shame in acting like mental retards!!:)

sorry i cant read in sanskrit , coz i dont know the lang.. and secondly isnt it not better translated in other language ??? if not then i think nobody out there really understand it ..
still i agree they are one of the best epics... in the world itself ..
but following it .. is just not right..
if u r a guy who likes epics like that .. then as i have told u b4 .. Lord of the rings can also fall into ur folowing category.. LOL ... even i can understand it .. so u wont have any problem ..

U haven't read the Ramayana urself and u take goggleboy's words for granted? Grow up! I wonder if u r really that gullible or more than that. :oops:

i am sure that karunanidhi is a great literate and would have read it ...
he is one of the greatest tamil literate in TN... so i wont doubt his knowledge on literature..

Keep whining!
By saying this too often ... i think U keep on WHINNING OVER ME... LOL ....

U r not a nursery boy, or r u, that u do not understand if I ask whether the govt is doing anything to control population! Besides, I asked for some references that u boasted to provide us here, where r those links? If u somehow forgot then read again ur post!

yes i am medicine realted person.. i will surely give u the particulars soon.. dont worry MR. INDIAN IDOL....

Impressive! U sure r karunanidhi's fanboy!!

Who r u then .. jayalalitha`s hardcore FAN HUH ???
cursing karunanidhi all time ..

why cant u understand i am no one`s follower...

i think u should be Jaya`s fan.. ...



!! RecuZant By Birth !!
^^^ true man... very true...

i am gona stop posting here ..
whtever it is ..
whtever we talk..
nothingis going to change ..
they decide and then they make make us follow

@mediator.... sorry bro .. if i had said anything..
lets not fight for them..
we come for fun so lets have it ..

thnks again for kumarmohit....

{changed ....coz its very apt.. }
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mediator said:
Its better if 'other' religious people keep out of this, but @Qadirahmed I wonder what wud u have said if Karunanidhi had said, "Who is Muhammed", "What proof do u have that he existed", and whether "If u have seen allah? If not how come u believe in him? and many other similar questions"!

I am not trying to annoy u in any manner, but just giving u a glimpse of what we r discussing here. Can u provide proofs? There r some things whose "proofs" fade with time and only remnants remain and foolish people then argue for proofs!!

I wud luv to see ur goggleboy speaking the same bt other religions to the core if he has the guts!

why should the other religious ppls keep out of this......?
its a matter of my state developement......

sure we would answer to all of his questions if he would dare to ask.....


Broken In
^^ then dude .... can you try to explain those questions for us.Just for sake lets say Karunanidhi asked you(r) people ...then answer it then now...


"hindu , muslim, sikh, isaai, hum sab aik hain, bhai bhai hain, hum hindustani hain " :p:p:p

ladna bandh karo & apna kaam karo":p
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