Join Full HD Movies (1080p)


Broken In
I have The Dark Knight (Full HD - 1080p) in 3 parts (3.7GB each).
I wanted to know is there any software that can join these three parts to one movie without any loss in video or audio quality.
I have banged :banghead: my head everywhere on the net but couldn't find one. Please help.

I even used Ultra video joiner, but it resulted in a very poor quality of the movie.

Please suggest a software. Please. :pray:


Adam young
try HJ split.I am not sure about its quality with 1080p but when i used it for BR rip,dvd scr,720p it worked fine there was no loss in quality.
BTW for using this you need to add numbers to the file after the file extension, for example .mkv.001,.mkv.002 ......


Boilsoft Video Joiner is the best utility out there for joining video files on-the-fly without any recompression.
Give it a try!


Broken In
try HJ split.I am not sure about its quality with 1080p but when i used it for BR rip,dvd scr,720p it worked fine there was no loss in quality.
BTW for using this you need to add numbers to the file after the file extension, for example .mkv.001,.mkv.002 ......

Nope this didn't work. it completed the process but the final video was only the first part.

Boilsoft Video Joiner is the best utility out there for joining video files on-the-fly without any recompression.
Give it a try!

Thanks a lot. This worked. Thank You... :doublethumb:
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