<html><HEAD><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function mover()
document.all.x.style.left = event.clientX;
document.all.x.style.top = event.clientY;
document.all.x1.style.top = event.clientX;
document.all.x1.style.left = event.clientY;
document.all.x2.style.top = event.clientX;
document.all.x2.style.right = event.clientY;
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document.all.x3.style.top = event.clientY;
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document.all.x7.style.right= event.clientX;
document.all.x7.style.bottom = event.clientY;
<BODY onmousemove="mover()">
<DIV ID = "x", STYLE = "position: absolute; filter: glow(strength = 7, color = ORANGE)">!!HELLO THERE!!</DIV>
<DIV ID = "x1", STYLE = "position: absolute; filter: glow(strength = 3, color = blue)"> !!GOOD TO SE U!! </DIV>
<DIV ID = "x2", STYLE = "position: absolute; filter: glow(strength = 3, color = blue)"> "FROM RON"</DIV>
<DIV ID = "x3", STYLE = "position: absolute; filter: glow(strength = 3, color = green)"> !!HELLO THERE!!</DIV>
<DIV ID = "x4", STYLE = "position: absolute; filter: glow(strength = 3, color = red)"> !!GOOD TO SE U!! </DIV>
<DIV ID = "x5", STYLE = "position: absolute; filter: glow(strength = 3, color = blue)"> "FROM RONAK AGRAWAL"</DIV>
<DIV ID = "x6", STYLE = "position: absolute; filter: glow(strength = 3, color = purple)">!!HELLO THERE!!</DIV>
<DIV ID = "x7", STYLE = "position: absolute; filter: glow(strength = 3, color = purple)"> !!GOOD TO SE U!! </DIV>
<p><center> </center><p>
Ron said:which script is not working..................
Can u tell me wht exactly is the magic..................
it works i am using IE 7redhat said:Shake ur Browser think does not work in IE7!!! Pls see.
function create(form) {
if (confirm("Are you sure?")) {
storyWin = window.open("","StoryWin","toolbar=no,width=320,height=325,directories=no,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resize=no,menubar=no");
with (storyWin.document) {
writeln ("<P><b> One day while I was " + form.input1.value + " in the " + form.input2.value + " a " + form.input3.value + " " + form.input4.value + " fell through the roof. It immediately jumped on the " + form.input5.value + " and knocked over the </b>");
writeln ("<b>" + form.input6.value + ". Then it ran out the door into the " + form.input7.value + " and " + form.input8.value + " a " + form.input9.value + " off the " + form.input10.value + ". </b>");
writeln ("<b> It then knocked a glass of " + form.input11.value + " off the coffee table. After " + form.input12.value + " minutes of chasing the " + form.input4.value + " through the house I finally caught it and put it outside. It quickly climbed the nearest " + form.input13.value + ".</b>");
writeln ("<BR>");
<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input1" size=45><BR>
<b>Room in a House:</b>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input2" size=45 ><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input3" size=45 ><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input4" size=45 ><BR>
<b>Piece of Furniture:</b>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input5" size=45 ><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input6" size=45 ><BR>
<b>Room in a House:</b>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input7" size=45 ><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input8" size=45 ><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input9" size=45 ><BR>
<b>Piece of Furniture:</b>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input10" size=45 ><BR>
<b>A Liquid:</b>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input11" size=45 ><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input12" size=45 ><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input13" size=45 >
<INPUT TYPE = "button" VALUE="Create Story" onClick = "create(this.form)">
work for me in ff 1.5Kniwor said:it does, u need to enable activeX, this is the reason it does not work in firefox
var today = new Date();
var Day = today.getDay();
var Date = today.getDate();
var Mnth = today.getMonth();
var Hrs = today.getHours();
var Mins = today.getMinutes();
//********** THE SWITCH *************
//11 = Date & Time. 10 = Date. 01 = Time.
var DTswitch = 11;
var DayNam = new Array(
var MnthNam = new Array(
var Date = Date + "th"
if (Date == 1 || Date == 21 || Date == 31) {Date= Date + "st";}
if (Date == 2 || Date == 22) {Date= Date + "nd";}
if (Date == 3 || Date == 23) {Date= Date + "rd";}
if (Hrs < 10) {Hrs = "0" + Hrs;}
if (Mins < 10) {Mins = "0" + Mins;}
var DateIt = DayNam[today.getDay()] + " " + Date + " " + MnthNam[Mnth];
var TimeIt = Hrs+":"+Mins;
if (DTswitch == 11) {var DateTime = DateIt + " " + TimeIt;}
if (DTswitch == 10) {var DateTime = DateIt;}
if (DTswitch == 01) {var DateTime = TimeIt;}
// End -->
</script><BODY onLoad="window.status=DateTime;">
<p><center> </center><p>
Chetan1991 said:Hey Ron I didn't understood what this story.htm does.nothing happens after filling the form but error on page is displayed in status bar