Issues related to Firefox???

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Hi Guys!

I just thought to start a thread where more of Firefox can be discussed...

To give a start, I am using Firefox 2 and have a small problem. Say I click a link on some webpage which redirects me to the target webpage. After that when I press the back button, it again refreshes & reloads the previous page. Here is it possible that whenever I press the back button, the previous page just gets reloaded without getting refreshed from the server.



Ambassador of Buzz
Hi Guys!

I just thought to start a thread where more of Firefox can be discussed...

To give a start, I am using Firefox 2 and have a small problem. Say I click a link on some webpage which redirects me to the target webpage. After that when I press the back button, it again refreshes & reloads the previous page. Here is it possible that whenever I press the back button, the previous page just gets reloaded without getting refreshed from the server.

You must have disabled the cache.

I also have a problem. I was using firefox Today i uninstalled it and re-installed it. Now when i go to play chess at Yahoo, it says Yahoo! Chess requires Flash Player 7 or later and JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Although before uninstalling it was working fine. What should i do? Please help.


Custom User Title
@REY619 - You obviously have to install Flash Player of course. :| Uninstalling Firefox removes everything right? Pff. Also, Yahoo Games uses Java a lot, so make sure you run the Java Browser Plug-In setup again to load back the plug-ins into Firefox again.

@Author - It wouldn't work with all the sites actually, more cookie based thing actually but yeah, as the above poster said, you might have just disabled the Cache. Enable it in Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Network


Ambassador of Buzz
@Possible Uninstalling firefox doesnt remove the plugins(flash or java) But i manually deleted them by mistake. Downloaded them again and its working now.
Thanx :)


Custom User Title
They are removed, the browser plug-ins I mean, if your profile etc under Application Data goes off. That goes off in my un-installations on Linux. Never un-installed it on Windows :p


* Teh Flirt King *
Ok its not a problem but a Question ; Is there a extension is FF which can save all the images of a specific resolution opened in browser to a predefined folder.

Also a extension for downloading videos from video shareing sites such as Google Video, youtube etc.

Also a extension to upload multiple files to



Wise Old Owl
Quiz_Master said:
Ok its not a problem but a Question ; Is there a extension is FF which can save all the images of a specific resolution opened in browser to a predefined folder.

Also a extension for downloading videos from video shareing sites such as Google Video, youtube etc.

Also a extension to upload multiple files to


Videodownloader from the link below


Wise Old Owl
go4saket said:
Does adding more and more extensions mean slowing down Firefox...
The extensions generally are of very small size. I am using "Adblock Plus", "Flashblock", "Noscript" and "British English Dictionary" and do not find them to have slowed down the browser.
But let us get opinions from other users also.


Cyborg Agent
go4saket said:
Does adding more and more extensions mean slowing down Firefox...

I use 28-40 extension & yes starting the FF becomes slow, not the browsing, so I dont close the FF I keep it open.
I keep on enabling /disabling the extension that helps me keep the load time timesunder control, but I will soon make multiple profiles where certain extension will not be part of that profile, so as per my need I can start up from the selected profile.


Is it possible that when I close Firefox with single/multiple tabs open, all those tabs get automatically opened when I start FF next time...

At present when I close FF with multiple tabs open, it gives me a warning that I am closing FF with multiple tabs opened, but when I restart FF, non of those tabs get opened again...


Wise Old Owl
go4saket said:
Is it possible that when I close Firefox with single/multiple tabs open, all those tabs get automatically opened when I start FF next time...

At present when I close FF with multiple tabs open, it gives me a warning that I am closing FF with multiple tabs opened, but when I restart FF, non of those tabs get opened again...

If you shut down the pc ignoring the warning "warning that I am closing FF with multiple tabs opened", after next boot up when you open FF you will get the option to open with all the earlier tabs.


What about just shutting down FF and not the PC. After all we are not going to shut down the PC abnormally just to get our tabs back...


Wise Old Owl
go4saket said:
What about just shutting down FF and not the PC. After all we are not going to shut down the PC abnormally just to get our tabs back...

I fear the only option is
History-> recently closed tabs-> open all in tabs.
But other members may have better suggestions.


I saw that Firefox is too heavy on system resource. I opened just 3-4 web sites in their respective tabs and the task manager showed that Firefox is hogging about 100 MB of system memory. Thats too high. Is there a way to reduce it. Moreover, is this a problem with Firefox only or Opera also does the same, not taking IE into consideration as I feel it is absolutely crap...


Please help with the previous question and also with which extension supports downloading a file in multiple sessions.

Ankur Gupta

Wandering in time...
If you want to open all current tabs when you start Firefox next time then go to task manager and end task will get same Firefox popup warning about closing multiple tabs...ignore it and after a few secs windows end now dialog box will end now...done!!
After you start Firefox again it will ask to restore previous session or new session and you know which one to choose :)
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