Is there any free PHP forum script available for Blogs?

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The Linux Man !
I run a blog ON LINUX:

I want to start a forum on my blog.

Are there any free php forum scripts available for BLOGS? and that too compatiable with blogspot (GOOGLE)


In the zone
U can try the phpBB .It is available at * You should have apache, php and mysql support.


In the zone
I don't know if blogspot allows you to run custom php scripts on their servers. And i am damn sure that they won't allow you to access their MySQL database.

@bukadia: Apache isn't necessary for phpBB. You just need a webserver.


In the zone
@Rohan : Yeah any web server will do. I have named apache as it is the most popular and installs easily with linux. Remember the LAMP Technology?


In the zone
what do u mean by remember?? LAMP is still alive and kicking. LAMP rocks... although i preffer WAMP.(I find windows more comfortable).


In the zone
@rohan:LOL. ok ok, I just meant that since apache is mentioned in LAMP, i mentioned it. Open source always rocks.No doubt 'bout it.


18 Till I Die............
Or just sign up for a hosting service. Setup a wordpress blog there and import your current posts there.
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