hahaha niaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Anyway, i didnt quite get your question. Are you for or against? Since there are many valid points for both.
Do let me know.
BTW, just for your info, there have suddenly been an increase in racist attacks against foreign students in Oz, especially against Indians. They have been targetted in trains, their homes and even in colleges.
It started with an attack against an Andhra-ite group by a bunch of allegedly drunk Ozzie teens, which led to one of them becoming critically injured and still recuperating in hospital.
After that, another student was attacked in a train, while barely a week later another was attacked in front of his home.
There have been racist attacks in Oz (cab drivers were stabbed by the Ozzie passengers about 2 years ago), but rarely at such an alarming frequency.
Racist attacks are generally out of rage, fear, insecurity or even hate towards the other community. Either the attackers beleive that such communities are ruining their livelihood by taking away their jobs, or that they are destroying their usual surroundings, or that they are too different to be accepted by the attackers. Whatever may be the reason, it's still outrageous and enraging.
That's what I believe has led to media awakening, that many attacks have taken place (against Indians) barely a week away from each other
Hope that helps for now