In the zone
my config isintel 2.8gz(hyperthreading) processor and intel 915 gav orignal motherboard,512 m.b ram,80 gb sata segate hdd
have brodband connection of 64kbps.i have installed limewire.when i downlod files from it the max speed i get is 7-8 kbps.this 7kbps gets shared between all the files i am downloading for example if i am downloading 7 files @7 kbps then each one gets 1kbps.is there any other software like limewire which gives better speeds.is it due to my 64kbps connection i mean is 7-8 kbps the max limit of download for a 64 kbps connection???
my config isintel 2.8gz(hyperthreading) processor and intel 915 gav orignal motherboard,512 m.b ram,80 gb sata segate hdd
have brodband connection of 64kbps.i have installed limewire.when i downlod files from it the max speed i get is 7-8 kbps.this 7kbps gets shared between all the files i am downloading for example if i am downloading 7 files @7 kbps then each one gets 1kbps.is there any other software like limewire which gives better speeds.is it due to my 64kbps connection i mean is 7-8 kbps the max limit of download for a 64 kbps connection???