iPhone unlocked: AT&T loses iPhone exclusivity (works in India now)

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 Macboy
i think its bad on apple's part to demand a kinda royalty from the operators! either release it there or don't and how foolish can the operators get by signing the contract??!!!
Well if Apple agrees to let the iPhone be exclusive to AT&T, they will get many new connections over to AT&T. And since AT&T is the only service provider for the iPhone, Apple will lose out on some potential customers who want other services. So its a give and take relationship...


The Devil's Advocate
but out there its rather easy as they have number portability so as long as some1 is really pissed at AT&T will go for it if he is foolish enough hat is :D


You gave been GXified
goobimama said:
Well if Apple agrees to let the iPhone be exclusive to AT&T, they will get many new connections over to AT&T. And since AT&T is the only service provider for the iPhone, Apple will lose out on some potential customers who want other services. So its a give and take relationship...

iPhone is AT&T Exclusive for 5 years. All part of the jobs world domination plan :D
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