Intel vs AMD

Which is processor better if all issues are taken in account?

  • AMD, my powerhorse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dunnno what's a processor, may be i don't have it in my system

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Broken In
The WAR is ON!!!

Years have flown but the war of Intel and AMD Processors continues!

Both have their pros and cons but it is still difficult to say who's best the 540 or the Athlon.

Intel is much superior in brand, advertising(the thing most users look upon). It promises more clock speed and compatibility as almost every dam software built is on an intel platform. Brand loyality even beats that of Nokia.

AMD gives value for money and gives much superior performance than intel. But it has heating issues and suffers from low brand rating. It is easy to spot a man telling u that AMD Processors are cr@p.

May be, this forum may help decide.
Speak 4 urself buddy.Everybody knows that the weaker the brand the more the ads.4 example take samsung they have ads 4 each and every product,they even had an ad for CD-writer on TV not so long ago.Everybody knows that samsung products r good for 6-7 months after that off to the dustbin.This is the main reason why samsung have so many service centres.Too many hardware failures.Same thing goes for all INTEL products .I would not take an INTEL processor even if it was given to me on a plate full of diamonds.Maybe i will take the diamonds.INTEL products develop too many problems after 7-8 months of purchace.The best thing we can do is dump this piece of garbage in a nearby dumpster, or go to the nearest service centre who will do the needful(i.e. dump ur INTEL processor in their dustbin 4u).
INTEL P4 with or without HT is a cheap worthless piece of Garbage.

And the AMD heating issue is being blown out of proportion.Maybe the old AMD processors had heating issues but now AMD has rectified the problem.The heat produced from INTEL and AMD is more or less the same.


In the zone
Righto Mr Bravo I completely agree with you. Brand Imaging really takes the product places and thats what Intel is upto. I think AMD should also come up with such kinda catchline.

I use both Intel AMD and found heating to be the only con among the pros especially in this scorching summer heat for AMD else found the both nearly same in terms of performance(sometimes AMD takes the lead).

I have found many a one blabbering wrongly about AMD without proper knowledge. This is also causing harm in the first time buyer segment.

To end with I will go with My AMD... My Powerhouse.


Cyborg Agent
I don't want to go into another Intel vs AMD debate here, at least as far as their products are concerned. But JB and TuxiaN have brought up something that's been nagging me for quite some time : Intel beats AMD when it comes to making up catchy names and phrases !

IMO, the names 'Pentium', 'Celeron', P3 and P4 roll off the tongue much more easily than Athlon, Athlon XP or Athlon 64. 'Sempron' isn't bad, but being the budget version, the name isn't bandied about much.

I sure wish AMD would come up with better names for their products. (All my computers carry an 'Intel Outside' sticker) :)

Human nature being what it is, having a catchy brand or product name is not a minor matter, and has a major influence on the success of the company.

Just a couple of examples : The name of the Kodak company is a meaningless word, carefully composed to convey a catchy, solid-sounding impression. When Standard Oil was forced to change its name for legal reasons about 40 years ago, they did serious research to find a satisfactory name, and spent millions of dollars in an effort to promote the new name. The name chosen was Exxon.


In the zone
there is noting in name even the though to pronounce words become the word in everybody s mouth.

Intel is Intel and AMD is AMD


In the zone
Frankly , I have never seen anyone of my friends buying an intel processor ,who is tech savy , which could only mean one thing ... they are good processors ,especially better than the intel ones .


Cyborg Agent
godhatesusall, i have been using a pentium based computer for last 2 yrs, i never had a problem with the proccy and the same goes with my frnds. Although u were corect about the Samsung products. But yes AMD processors are better than the INTEL and wen i upgrade in the future i m going to buy AMD only.


In the zone
thats what i tried to say ,anyone who is tech savy , looking for an upgrade , during this time will look for amd and not for intel , for beginners it will be intel , I personally belive its better that way , cause if they find any problems with an amd based system ,they will abuse it because it was an amd chip , even though it has nothing to do with the processor , on the other than if it was intel based thay would probably wont abuse the processor . so AMD should be booked for tech savy people only .


Cyborg Agent
Tech-savvy buyers everywhere say that most tech-savvy buyers prefer AMD. That's true. But how many computer buyers worldwide are tech-savvy, especially first-time buyers ? And how many Digit Forum members were tech-savvy when they bought their first computer ?

Because of Intel's brand prominence, the majority of first-time buyers are attracted to Intel. At least a part of that attraction is because they have catchy names for their products.


Cyborg Agent
I would have to agree with pimpom. From a sheer technological stand point AMD chips are much further ahead. However like every new noivce user wants a windows system so will Intel prevail. I do think it will be quite a while b4 AMD and intel are on par. Good for the competition tho.


The Hardware Labs
Ok agreed that AMD is technologically advanced but still i dont think INTEL gives any sub standard processors or are reallllly way behind AMD. AMD scores in gaming while INTEL rules in reliability,service,availability,tasks such as video/audio encoding,compatibility and ofcourse multitasking. I have been using Intel for about 5-6 years and i never had a problem with any processor of theirs , not a single issue infact. And about the technology well Intel is catching up with AMD , let their dual core processors come and then it will be fun to watch the competition.


In the zone
Yeah, people do seem to be dumbfounded as though a professor hit them with a really tough question when I say i have an AMD processor. People seem to know only 'Intel Pentium 4'(And some even know about HT) Thats called marketting muscle. AMD mostly does its advertising in mags and how many of us have seen a video ad of AMD on Indian telly. Though Intel has some really cheap ads they work you know. I hope AMD just pulls up its socks makes some slick telly/radio ads and laugh all the way to the bank.


Broken In
come on guys u can't be so unfair to intel. believe me facts are that at least 65% of processors sold in india are INTEL. (that is a very modest figure, actual percentage is expected to be quite high). intel processors are not that bad. those who say that intel processors are not reliable must have got FAKE ones. I have got a celeron 500 mhz in one of my systems for 5 years and it has given SUPERB performance. intel guys are hard workin and they bring out the best technology around. amd may be an option for so called techies but for an average indian intel is the 1st option. intel isn't as bad as u people say. i personally think theonly thing intel lacks is value for money.

i know i should be impartial but my vote slightly tints to intel.


Cyborg Agent
Johnny_Bravo said:
intel processors are not that bad. those who say that intel processors are not reliable must have got FAKE ones. .....<snip>..... i personally think the only thing intel lacks is value for money.
That's the whole point - value for money. Few tech-savvy people will say that Intel processors are "bad". Anyone except a blind AMD fanatic will readily acknowledge that Intel CPUs also have their plus points. It's just that, in general, you can get a faster AMD processor for the same price, or you can get the same performance at a lower price if you go for an AMD system.


Right off the assembly line
as of my opinion

i've used AMD for 1 and a half year in that time i never played any game completely the moment i start the game within 2 or 3 mins system gets restarted and any other multimedia applications that i run never end up in better performance .................. and before that i was using INTEL i felt very comfortable with that and now i've upgraded my system from that BLOODY AMD aka shAMD to INTEL P4 915 with PCI-X and i've decided that for my entire life i will never go to any AMD proccesors or any devices that they launch i just got bugged up with them those 1 &1/2 yrs i use my PC just for the purpose of browsing and watching movies and some music thats it nothing else .............

WHAT I SUGGEST IS never go to any of the AMD products INTEL is the best and here iam not talkimg about the Brand image that INTEL has iam talking about the Performance that each of them deliver ....................... sorry if i hurt anybody ........... :)


Right off the assembly line
according to me who ever voted for AMD is just becouse of the price tag ............

all the people in the house wake up dont think about the price that they provide look out for the overall performance and the life of the processor .............


In the zone
AMD had always been Better than Intel !!!

Although it had few prob... earler but those are part of product life !!!
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