Intel Says Next-Gen Phones and PDAs to Run at 1GHz and above

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Ambassador of Buzz
Processor performance has taken on a different point of view recently for desktops and notebooks. On the desktop side, multi-core processors and efficient designs are taking prescedence while previously MHz and GHz ratings were the focus. Performance-per-watt has also become a great concern for customers, especially those wanting the most from their notebooks and enterprises wanting to reduce their true cost of ownerships.

Handhelds have taken on a both strategies: delivering the best possible performance for as little power as possible, all while climbing the frequency scale. Intel announced that its next generation ultra-mobile processor, Monahans, will introduce significant technologies for the hand-held market. The devices include mobile phones, and pocket PCs. Intel also noted that Monahans will be introduced at speeds up to 1GHz and faster grades will come later.

Intel says that Monahans will incorporate three specific technologies to address video, audio, and audio-video capturing. Designed with the mobile-phone in mind, Monahans will also enable next-generation phones to support faster forms of wireless communications. Phones are already showing up with support for 802.11g/b, and Monahans promises to bring phones and PDAs to a new level of untethered performance.
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