Intel`s New Processor

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In the zone
Hey , the 3800+ is out and is rocking , it beats the hell out of all the pentium D range , including the EE .Not equal in performance with the 4200+ and the 4400+ parts , but still rock .Very good upgrade @ 360 $ if you buy in quantities of 1000 that is .

But its worth a move .Price cuts on all the AMD parts are done just recetly , There is just one thing that i am thinking ,that is about the Sempron parts , 3400+ with AMD 64 is out @ same price as a 3200+ A64 , dont know what PR amd is following on these ones.They come in 256 kb cache parts .

AMD @ 1 point of time had one a few processor range .Now it has over 30 different processor types .More confusion for the consumer ,even intel with 9 different types of its 2.8 and 3.0 ghz processors .. Lolz .


i just at time fail to undrestand why people get so attched to brand name and big companys like intel lets be practical for once and think logicaly intel is a big brand name they used to spend a lot of money on hyping their products when p4 was relesed but as we all know it dint realy prove to be that much of a performance diffrance over p3 it just duped its customers this is the time amd spend less money on hyping them selves and gave us bettr value for money come on guys i just read one guy who want a to buy a intel dual core over an amd dual core u are kidding aret u do u know this that a intel dual core is not even actually a proper dual core when as it has to core which actually communicte with each other using a another chip amd dual core beat the hell out of xenon and pentium d any time and as for the market amd is the leader of today and there is no denying it if any one is still so admant on buying a intel please give me 5 good technical reason for the same . please dont give me some reason without proof i have heard people telling me that amd is not good for 3d modelling intel is better i read a article of the the realese of 3800x2 and there it clearly thrashes intel d in most 3d application so forget about a opteron or a 4000+dual core and higher just for a proff i am attching a link


people thinking of upgrading to intel xenon or pentium d read carefually especiall the last few pages

me right now i have a intel 3 but i will be buying a new rig which other then amd but if intel can put a good product then intel will be considerd
what matter to me is value for money and no brand name is going to foll me
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