had watched the above seminar's video a day after it had concluded. Col. R.S.N. Singh too had some 'nice' & interesting things to tell, esp. how stupid politicians here view doing 'lallo-chappo' of pakistan as beneficial to their 'minority' vote-bank politics & their brand of 'secularism' (for eg, CM of a state that shares no border with pakistan going for a trip to that place; more recently, SP govt. releasing terrorists in UP), Col. Purohit as infiltrator in one of the IM-modules & being brought down for the sake of politics, and i think a brief statement on how the IB/RAW had recordings and documents of conversations of some journalists, politicians, 'intellectuals', etc. cosying up with some inimical foreign & anti-national elements. crux of the whole matter - crooked politicians driving the whole bandwagon in their own crooked way!
P.S. - the new delhi CM had stood off while being interviewed when asked about questions on how he viewed the situation with pakistan, considering that delhi too faces attacks. he said we will see if and when we come to the centre. when the interviewer persisted in order to get some better answers, he left.
also, a friend of mine whose father is in the PMO had once told me that the congress meetings where only the bigwigs of the party attend the meetings, whatever hour, they take decisions based on how and what benefit will it give to the party, and not based on how and what to the society and country. seems to be like a big evil greedy corporation like what we see in hollywood movies! moreover, recently saw/read somewhere someone telling that congressi politicians are complicit with the paki establishment/terrorist organisations; tough to believe, but then the aforementioned thing, plus the criminal lax/ease and complacent manner in which the govt. handled the various verbal & physical attacks, soldiers' beheading, various intrusions, everytime creating a ruckus of how it will kill paki citizens and creating a phoney bogey of how pakistan is a nuclear-capable state and all that crap when suggested and implored to pick up the baton and hit the enemies in tactical surgical strikes or/and to hit where it hurts (the most) in order to keep the enemy in check and have an upper, stronger iron hand when engaging it on the table in diplomatic talks/discussions side-by-side 'with a stick with ourselves by our side/in our hand to whack when required', etc., all this and more makes us incline towards thinking about it seriously!