Indian eCommerce Woes


Super Moderator
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Many stupid websites which force you to use Internet Explorer 5.5 and above and then will not work with Internet Explorer 8. :lol: Microsoft arseholes DESERVE full blame for holding the web growth. When was IE7 released anyways? after 6 years of releasing IE6?

ohh and those websites using ASP suck bigtime.

ICICI Payseal gateway which sucked bigtime for me. "Your session has expired" when it really shouldn't. Also, when I filled up the form and click on the Pay button, all my details form details were vanishing and then I had to fill them up again. :lol: The session would anyways expire again. :lol: :|


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
While you are right...
ICICI Payseal gateway which sucked bigtime for me. "Your session has expired" when it really shouldn't. Also, when I filled up the form and click on the Pay button, all my details form details were vanishing and then I had to fill them up again. :lol: The session would anyways expire again. :lol: :|
Do you right click or do something while the session? Because ICICI Net Banking, etc. have been designed in such a manner that you can't right click, etc. during the session.
I use ICICI Netbanking and their gateway too, and face no problems, in both Firefox and Chromium (have not been using Opera recently).


Super Moderator
Staff member
Do you right click or do something while the session? Because ICICI Net Banking, etc. have been designed in such a manner that you can't right click, etc. during the session.
I use ICICI Netbanking and their gateway too, and face no problems, in both Firefox and Chromium (have not been using Opera recently).
Even I've used the ICICI gateway successfully a few times before. But today it really bothered me. Like I said, it would refresh the form after filling the CAPTCHA and then say "Your session has expired." And when it didn't, it redirected me to the BITS Pilani website said, "Contact BITS for your payment details" everytime. I wasn't taken to the citibank gateway which should have been the case.


Facing problem with session expiry? Try Union Bank of India's net banking. You won't ever face that problem again. I sometimes go AFK while logged in my account and when I return after two hours, I can just resume where I left. No need of relogging. Mind blowing, I know.
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