Income from the net!

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hi everyone! this is gowtham from Andhra.
I got a lot of time on my hands to kill these days, so i am thinking about using this to make some fast money
Can anyone enlighten me on the various opporttuinites on the net to earn money? i can spend 1-2hrs daily. I am good enough at c and C++, but i think i cant get too many oppurtunities in that field. so any other ways of making money?
Also pls suggest some advertising networks apart from adsense (i have applied for it 2 months back and they still say the havent checked it!!).

hoping for a fast reply!!


mee to wanna earn MONEy
i stay online for moore than 4 hours a day
and iam good designerr ;)


anyother sites?? plssssss! something like data entry from home etec etc. no pyramid schemes please! they dont work. and what about that ad network?


"The Cake is a Lie!!"
1. C/C++ is not a web programming language!
2. Learn PHP/ASP.NET/Ruby on Rails, PHP is easier than C (!) and its very much in Demand
3. Learn xHTML/CSS and create some custom templates.

You can earn a LOT then :)


i already know php, but i am not perfect in it! i was jus thinking about brushing it up. anyways tell me then which sites do i need to visit for checking out the oppurtunities available!


"The Cake is a Lie!!"
gowtham said:
i already know php, but i am not perfect in it! i was jus thinking about brushing it up. anyways tell me then which sites do i need to visit for checking out the oppurtunities available!
Digital Point Forums :)

A Freelancer haven


what sort of projects will i be expected to do? and also can u tell me about any alternative ad networks to adsense?

i went through the forum, but i cant make head or tail of it. is it a kind of platform to showcase our talent or what?
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"The Cake is a Lie!!"
gowtham said:
what sort of projects will i be expected to do? and also can u tell me about any alternative ad networks to adsense?

i went through the forum, but i cant make head or tail of it. is it a kind of platform to showcase our talent or what?
Well, ADSense is a google thing which allows you to place Ads on your site and earn money.

It takes a lot of time on low traffic sites, so there are illegal ad-clicking groups (where they click each other's ads)

It takes ZERO Talent and its useful only if you run a good site. Don't go for illegal methods :x

Many projects are small ones, like editing/customizing templates/webapps. Just see the site, you'll know :)


i know what is adsense, xubz. infact i have applied for it and even earned around 100$, but some clicked tooo many time son the ads and my acc got banned. so i have asked r there any other good alternatives for it?
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