Identify Spam Messages

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We have lots of spam on our forums, and many get fooled by even simple spamming tricks and innocently reply to spam messages. So I decided to make this tutorial for those guys, on how to identify SPAM messages/threads and help report the same to a moderator.

1. Look at his postcount/joined date

most spammers are users with very little post count, and have either a new joined date, or have been created as users loooong back and used only now, to avoid suspicion.

2. Look at the username

The user name is often foregin, like WillSmith or it may be something generic, like tech_wiz, cool_pc, etc.

3. Look at the post font

The font may often be something different and of an unusual size, like for example Times New Roman, etc. It may also be coloured. Several times, its bold. All this only to attract attention.

4. Reply Pairs

There are often a set of two posts: one asking question, and another answering it starting with "Hi, I have seen this software on the net called..." and both of them will have spammer like qualities mentioned above. Sometimes(most of the times infact), both the question and the answer have the same formatting. This too is an excellent identifier.

5. String of Questions and Answers

Often many new users are created to ask questions and the thread starter answers them in case its a tutorial based on an advertised software

6. Extremely polite, US style language

The language is a big give away, as sometimes the needs are presented as advertising facts, and US english like "color" instead of "colour" is used.

7. p0rn is always spam

You know the obvious. Nobody ecept a spammer and an extreme pevert will post p0rn on a public forum with respectable people like this.

8. Newbies may offer links...

Some newbies don't know if its illegal here to offer links of pirated software. These cases where you see link of, say windows vista ultimate dvd, it is to be reported ofcource, but it needn't be spam.

What Kind of people get fooled ?

Many of our members, especially the over enthusiastic and helpfull types get easily fooled by spams. Many new users also get fooled by them. For those guys, I have this advice: read this article before posting.

How do I report SPAM ?

Just click on the report button on the left pane bottom side of the spam post. It is an exclamationmark.
Just press it and write about its spamy character and press submit.

or, you can report it in the unoffitial digit IRC, #think-digit, if you see a mod online there.

you may use this thread to report suspected spam messages, as it will give a single window access to both mods and members, for being aware of existant spams.

remember, that if a spam thread has a lot of replies, the spambot may spam more. They have reply counters, that decide to send more spam if response is good enough.

Some Example Screenshots:

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die blizzard die! D3?
lol.font and content is more than enough.

change it to "spam message identification for dummies\duffers\idiots"(written by an idiot himself to allow easy understanding).

wtf dude?


left this forum longback
first point this post to every n00b dumbs who joins this forum :p
you know,many forums once registered will direct to a thread ,,
this tut is for those n00bs who waste time replying to obvious spam

lol.font and content is more than enough.

change it to "spam message identification for dummies\duffers\idiots"(written by an idiot himself to allow easy understanding).

wtf dude?
watch your tongue else I will cut it:p
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left this forum longback
^well are'nt you a tamil Iyer?I thought yes,and in south it is "gowtham" not "gotham" as in batman :p


Google Bot
ROFL! Blueshift, its cos that s the new default user title for users with less than 50 something posts. :p
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