I think 'reincarnation' is a possibility.


Sith Lord
Staff member
its a positive mindset, immortals dont need to be afraid of uh... damnation or something, or of passing or temporary things (this and other lives, this and other worlds), and it puts a lot of focus on progress as a collective group of beings as against progress as an individual, because your physical body is nada
this is just one part, keep reading into this, you dont need to "believe" anything, its more of a mindset and approach

if your friend just pushed you from a cliff, at least while falling you can hope of getting revenge in your next life its just so much more pro-active than thinking thats it your life is at an end "AAAARRGGGHhhh"

if you wanna go into the technicalities
-uh, the universe is a projection from one point, like a movie, this is Maya, so you can see things happening but the actual workings are beyond perception, that is they cannot be seen and is hidden, and everything is an illusion.
-the physical body is a skin or a casing, a vehicle for allowing the diamond body to enter into this physical dimension
-The diamond body is immortal and enters the physical world whenever a birth occors, a birth of any living creature

all of this is not inconsistent with science


Well your self identity is your brain and memories. And if reincarnation happens and we don't have our memory then what is the difference ??

And why think about it ? Do you want to discuss about last incarnation's good of evil job philosophy and their effects or similar things ??

Truely i don't care about it.....


Someone has to put an end to the random spawning of universes.

its a positive mindset, immortals dont need to be afraid of uh... damnation or something, or of passing or temporary things (this and other lives, this and other worlds), and it puts a lot of focus on progress as a collective group of beings as against progress as an individual, because your physical body is nada
this is just one part, keep reading into this, you dont need to "believe" anything, its more of a mindset and approach

if your friend just pushed you from a cliff, at least while falling you can hope of getting revenge in your next life its just so much more pro-active than thinking thats it your life is at an end "AAAARRGGGHhhh"

if you wanna go into the technicalities
-uh, the universe is a projection from one point, like a movie, this is Maya, so you can see things happening but the actual workings are beyond perception, that is they cannot be seen and is hidden, and everything is an illusion.
-the physical body is a skin or a casing, a vehicle for allowing the diamond body to enter into this physical dimension
-The diamond body is immortal and enters the physical world whenever a birth occors, a birth of any living creature

all of this is not inconsistent with science

Yeah,i understand, completely.Even the mysterious comma you put there.


Sith Lord
Staff member
I cut id down to 1/3 of what I typed lol... just saying this is a valid branch of knowledge and science cannot be used to argue against it as it starts well beyond where science ends


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Look, Human Beings = Robots of flesh and blood. When the robot gets worn out, it shuts down and disintegrates back into the simple elements it was made from.


Hyperboleandahalf is good at philosophizing too.

Hyperbole and a Half

Alright tree,whatever you say.

Look, Human Beings = Robots of flesh and blood. When the robot gets worn out, it shuts down and disintegrates back into the simple elements it was made from.

On a very higher level of perception,this is absolutely true as free will is just an illusion.


Sith Lord
Staff member

first immortals may already be born science will eventually prevent people from dying


My incarnations are currently trapped inside me.

You are talking about split personality disorder. :mrgreen:


first immortals may already be born science will eventually prevent people from dying

I don't think people with common sense will choose to be an immortal.Sooner or later you are going to become sick of everything,unless you are rich and there is a mechanism that can erase brain memories.I will complete skyrim once, i will flash my brain and i will play skyrim again and will end up playing skyrim for enternity.
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