How to save web pages..

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In the zone
I want to save the web pages completely..with all the links ..
so that i can view them offline..

i mean to say that , when i am offline and i open a webpage..,
And i click on a link on this page .. it should open the link offline..

so i want to save the complete site...

is there any way to do that...

Please let me know that ...............


Some site can't be completelysaved using normal browser's save function... Because they rely on dynamic content... Maybe using "Offline Explorer" may solve the problem... But I'm not too sure...


In the zone
Hmmm.. this seems an old topic..

Anyways.. me too lazy now to search...

But in future plz *

Why not use Teleport (latest ver is 3.x)

It is really good. If you have the $$$ better go for Teleport Pro... :wink:


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