How to make email client download only recent mails?

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The Devil
I'm not used to this email client thing. I have been using an email notifier called ePrompter. Was working good for me but suddenly something went wrong and it stopped working. Anyway, now I'm looking at email clients. The problem with those is that as soon as I create a new account and connect, it starts downloading ALL mails, those 2-3 years old mails. I don't need them. I just want them to download only the recent mails, say the first 50 or so. But I'm not able to make them do it. Every email client I tried keeps on downloading those old mails. What to do? Please help.


meowww meoww
If ur using gmail, enable imap and mark those u dun want as read, works for me in thunderbird :)


Perhaps you could try pushing the older mails into a separate folder before using the email client... Havent tried it, so not sure if it will work or not...

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