how to install windows application in Linux

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Broken In
Can u guide me how to install windows application in linux....
is it any way through which we can convert .exe files in .rpm formate.

Bipul Singh


Commander in Chief
That's not the way to run Windows Programs on Linux.

In case you're using Fedora, do this:
yum install wine

And after it gets installed do:
wine filename.exe

Where filename is obviously your setup.exe or which ever .exe you wish to run.


Think Zen.
Why do u need to run windows apps in linux anyways?
They do run under wine but you should try to get linux alternatives.
Its better than running windows s/w on wine/crossover.



Nebula was here,15 yrs back
rayraven said:
Why do u need to run..... try to get linux alternatives.

I believe in open source,but what abt the games,n other things.
that does not available for linux now,at least present.

Only for that yaar,,


left this forum longback cedega and play ur games if wine not supporting it.dont go back to windows way/


Check out the WINE application database here

It has a list of software you can run on WINE, and the extent to which it is supported, and any special instructions if required. Data is submitted by various users (for example I have for Jet Audio and WinRAR).

Also from there download the binary suitable for your distro

In SuSE the WINE folder is in your home directory. So if my home directory is /home/nucleuskore
then the path to my WINE folder will be

Please note the dot before wine. Its a hidden folder. It will contain drive_c which is your C drive, then like windows, it will contain a Program Files folder and a Windows folder. All the applications you install in a terminal as praka123 has outlined above
wine application.exe
will usually get installed to the Program Files folder as in windows. If any application asks for a restart, don't reboot your linux :D At prompt just type wineboot
Do get back if you get stuck

BTW which linux are you using


left this forum longback
there is few utilities there to optimize wine afair.for install there is/was winesetuptk.then winedoor etc


Right off the assembly line
If you want to play Windoze games on Linux, WINE is unlikely to work. However, there are two solutions:

a) Go and buy a nice new PS3, and a couple of games for it.
b) Buy Cedega for about 200rs a month; it works with most popular games, but not all of them.

Go buy a PS3! Don't bother with games on Linux... although I hear that Half-life is going to be ported, but don't wait for it.
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Go buy a PS3! Don't bother with games on Linux... although I hear that Half-life is going to be ported, but don't wait for it.

Most famous games work with either Wine or cedega. Its trhe small majortiy who play uncommon games that gets the short end of the stick. For example IM a chessmaster X fan. The thing wont run on any software available.


Wise Old Owl
There is no way you can convert EXE to RPM format!!
First, understand this:
RPM stands for Redhat Package Manager (used by Fedora, Suse, Mandriva etc.,)

DEB - Debian Format - Used by Debian-based Linux distros like Ubuntu,
Kubuntu, Knoppix, FreeSpire etc.,

If you install Windows application in Linux (using Wine or CrossOver Office) it runs
on a emulation layer. The Windows application thinks it is running on Windows!!
But in reality, it is not. Coming back to the point. There are plenty of Linux
applications available. If you can't find a Windows equivalent application
in Linux, then you can install that Windows application through Wine.


God of Mistakes...
but you can convert Linux packages from RPM to DEB and vice-versa by programs like alian!


Think Zen.
^Its alien.
And although it can convert packages from and to rpm/deb/tgz ; its not advisable to do that as distro's could've patched up sources for their use.

Btw , why the hell was this thread bumped?


Just another linux lover.
You can also try PlayOnLinux. It can help you install many Windows games as well as apps on Linux effortlessly.
Last edited: cedega and play ur games if wine not supporting it.dont go back to windows way/
krazy kya ? Cedga is almost as costly as windows, and along with it there are all those issues and crashes along with performance drop due to increased work of translating directx to opengl. Its much better to get yourself a cheap windows version, strip it naked and remove everything thats unwanted including internet explorer and wmp11 (and the file browser if you are comfortable with command prompt navigation) and tweak it like hell and use it as a gaming only OS.


nerves !!why win files in linux?
please got for linux alternatives. I shall help you
Because Linux doesn't exactly have great alternatives for everything. Its because of Wine that many people use alot of Win products on Linux anyway and if it weren't for it there wouldn't be other products like Cedega or Crossover .
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