how to do a good scan ? want your help. please read .

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In the zone
I want to scan a book and upload it in the internet , in this regard I want your advise .

The book is some pages hand written , some pages printed, there are also some B/w and colored photographs in it .

so how to scan it ?

should I torn all the pages from the book and scan one by one ? or I should reman the book intact and scan page by page ?
then problem will be they will understand a book scanned .

so what and how I should do ?
well I am not supporting pirecy , I am not going to can any copywrited thing . I will just copy a classnote and share it all


* Teh Flirt King *
Hmmm... Considering you have a Good enough flatbad scanner you dont need to torn the pages apart.
Make sure that HandWritten pages are in clear hand writing.
Most of the Scanner comes with a OCR software.
In your scanning software there will be an option to scan a document. Use that. All words which a OCR software cant translate will be converted to image. Scan your book as MS word document.
If you dont have right software... You can try
ABBYY Dine Reader but its a PAY software and costly too.


can flatbed scanner scan a big book like a dictionary ? then I think the inward portion cannot be scanned , isnt it ?
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