how to connect ubuntu with windows

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hi friends,
In my college lab i'm using ubuntu. I am connected to the network and i'm using internet. The problem is that i'm not able to see any other connction in my network.
how can i use the software like putty.


left this forum longback
mak1012 said:
hi friends,
In my college lab i'm using ubuntu. I am connected to the network and i'm using internet. The problem is that i'm not able to see any other connction in my network.
how can i use the software like putty.
is that a dhcp ip assigned system?check the o/p of "ifconfig" from terminal to see ur ip for linux-to-windows file sharing is done by Samba server-if that what u meant.u can try ssh,telnet etc to other pcs for a test! :D


If u want to ssh to Ubuntu, then u have to setup a ssh server on ubuntu.

Do "sudo apt-get install ssh". Then do "ifconfig", to find ur ip. and then from windows machine, open putty and enter "the ip address" of ubuntu machine that u found. Simple!

Neways, ur question is vague! If u r asking to find the machines that r up n running then u can ping them!

U can use my shell script to find the machines that r alive, to enable u to see them! Here...

ip_add=`echo $1 | cut -f1,2,3 -d.`
for (( i=$2 ; i<=$3 ; i++ ))
cnt=`ping "$ip_add.$i" -c 1 | grep "100%" | wc -l`
if [ $cnt -eq 1 ];then
echo "$ip_add.$i is dead"
echo "$ip_add.$i is alive"
License : GPL3

1. Save this code and name the file as say 'detect'
2. Open terminal to the directory containing the file 'detect'
3. Do 'chmod +x detect'
3. './detect <IPaddress> <start> <end>

So if u do './detect 5 10' , it will look from to and will inform u about the machines that r alive and in ur network and to which u may connect!


Right off the assembly line
u most probably would want to use smbclient,
with smbclient u can access windows shared drives.... or u could use tsclient which GUI for rdesktop, if desktop sharing in windows is enabled...
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