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Commander in Chief
Spyware does get installed if u d/l some s/w and stuff and if a Trojan greets and d/ls it from ur comp...

No Script is just to blok javascripts which might harm...
If u got Sp2 and a good anti-spy then no worry as mostly it doesnt infect, jus resides as in my case... ;)


Cyborg Agent
check this thread , u will more answers than the Q's u've got !!!


Distinguished Member
common possibilities are :

u visit some malicious site, it sends a trojan in ur temp internet file, which in turn donwloads and installs the malware wthout ur knowledge.

u install some somtware saying yes yes yes to everything, without reading the small print, and then say, 'hey iv got spyware' !

to kya kare ?
simple..this is what ive done.
replaced my host file (*
added spware sites to my restricted sites zone ('ie-spyads')
used the 'computer security tool'
and use ms antispyware and spywaredoctor.


Distinguished Member
Read : Top 10 tricks causing spyware epidemic
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