if i fill up the 160 GB with WHATEVER ONE WANTSthen will it be purchased at 12k?
What? you want the game ??
Well its upto the buyer. Post a Sale thread in the bazaar section & wait for buyers.
I was wondering if to sell it and buy a 7870 or 7950 based card. I currently don't have any problem with the card, but its difficult to run BF3 at 1080p Ultra.I can wait for another 6-12 months .. no issues, but for future I would like to upgrade to a 120hz monitor (may be 3D) at resolutions higher than 1080p
I can understand, but problem is most the 7 Generation cards are going cheap day by day. BTW, don't stick to AMD, if you are planning to use 3D monitor. AMD's driver are not so mature to handle 3D gaming.