How do i edit the LOADER..

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i just installed Mandriva 06... well the loader has 4 items... Linux,Failsafe,Windows,Windows1....

well two things are extra..Failsafe, how do i remove them...btw how to rename Linux and Windows in there...

Well another query... i had some 7.5 GB unallocated space..when i was installing Mandriva... i did auto allocate... so it splitted that 7.5 into 3 (4GB , .85 GB and remaining)..keeping the middle one as swap sandwiching between other 2... i didnt understood that..i mean i could hav done a single partition of 6.8 and remaining as swap...would that have worked..??...

what diff betn KDE and GNOME..i selected KDE... i even had options to selected GNOME...??

How do i FAT32 partitions and thier files in linux..?? and will the Video files of the here.....??



left this forum longback
First of all the bootloader mostly used in Linux is GRUB..
for mounting win partn etc refer
also ubuntu guide itself explains many howtos...
GNOME and KDE are two Desktop Env available...GNOME stands better with its simple and indepndent interface while KDE simply mimics Windows UI...


Wise Old Owl
@Dipen, Don't touch those Boot screen items. They are there for good reason.
For a normal user 7 GB for root('/') & 1.5 GB for swap will be enough.
Yes, 6.8 for root and the remaining for swap ( need a minumum of 500 MB).
would have worked. Give swap atleast 1.5 GB for better performance.
KDE & GNOME are called Window Managers they both come with their own
applications. You can select KDE or GNOME when you login. See what's the
difference for yourself.
Yes, Mandriva Linux mounts FAT32 & NTFS partitions automatically.
For eg., you can access C drive by typing '/mnt/win_c' in the Location textfield.
Similarly '/mnt/win_d' for D drive and so on.
There Video players like MPlayer, VLC and so on that can play MPEG, AVI, VCD,
DVD etc., You need to install them through the Package Manager (RpmDrake).

@Prakash, LILO is the Boot loader in Mandriva Linux and secondly Mandriva
automatically mounts the Windows partitions in the '/mnt' directory. Both FAT32
& NTFS partitions:
Here is how you can access your Windows partitions:
/mnt/win_c -> C drive
/mnt/win_d -> D drive
/mnt/win_e -> E drive
and so on.
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@Dipen, Don't touch those Boot screen items. They are there for good reason.

U mean all 4 of em....???

btw it auto selected...850 MB as didnt bother to


Wise Old Owl
Yes, all of them. If you want to configure , you can do so using the 'Control Center',
the icon in your desktop. It's the equivalent of 'Control Panel' in Windows O.S.
Also remember if you don't know certain things leave it or ask us.
Since changing the System Settings to an incorrect one is dangerous!!.
And in the worst case scenario, the O.S won't boot!! Or you will end up in the
text mode after Login!!


Actually it auto partitioned as 4 + .85 + 2.5 GB...

so how do u much space is empty..i mean in HOME when i selected everything and checked it showed the space out of 4 wheres remaing 2.5 gone..??


Wise Old Owl
Open the Terminal Window and Login as Root :
$ su -
(Enter password)
$ fdisk -l
This will display your harddisk partition. And see for yourself how Mandriva Linux has
allocated space. You can see your Windows partition also.


In the zone
@Dipen01: 4GB must have been mounted as root(/) .85 gb is Swap u already know and 2.5 GB must hv been mounted as home partition....That's how Mandriva partition manager normally works out.....home partition is used mainly by the user, it is kind of "My documents" folder and all user's "My documents" folder will reside on this folder....

Though u can see the output of fdisk -l
or just see contents of file fstab

$ cat /etc/fstab

It will have all partition details along with mount points where the partitions hv been mounted by default...

post output of fdisk -l
if u can't understand it....


ok..will try it..

btw how do i get to know all the above commands with thier proper syntax..


Wise Old Owl
Open the Terminal Window and type:
$ <command-name> --help
For eg.,
$ cat --help (Press Enter)
This will display the options available with 'cat' command.
If you want full Documentation for the command:
$ man <command-name>
For eg.,
$ man tar
To see next page press 'Page Down' key, to see the previous page press 'Page Up' key.
NOTE: To come out of the documentation 'man' page press 'q' to quit. This will
return to the default prompt.
To display all commands available:
Press 'TAB' key twice. It will ask for:
$ Display all 1899 possibilities ( y or n ) (Press 'y' )
To see the next page press the 'Space bar'.


oh ok thanx..will try

btw i am stuck i guess...i mean am unable to get thru my BIOS...coz my keboard doesnt work until Loader is even if i press DEL....its doesnt take me to BIOS...and when LOADERS on..ill be forwarded to OS...

So how do i access my BIOS... i said earlier... there are 4 options.. Linux..Failsafe..Windows..Windows1... but i can log in to Windows thry any of the two..and same with Linux...even if i selected Failsafe..its takes me to Linux....

so why are those options there...and if i m not goin to use how shuld i remove them..i searched in Control Center but couldnt find them...

Also i always log in thru i guess..ill be allowed to edit all the options...


18 Till I Die............
Dipen01 said:
Also i always log in thru i guess..ill be allowed to edit all the options...
Very bad practise. Get out of it before it becomes a habit. In Linux you can do almost everything without ever having to access root account. I haven't used my root account in Ubuntu even once so far. You can just configure sudo to help you out when root access is needed.


whats sudo...??

btw...i tried creating account..i mean i even creeated one...but when i logged in thru it... it even accepted the password..but then came the error...i cant exactly remember but it was like cannot create file..or some file/directory not found or something like that...

will try today again..and post exact one...

btw i did it from Login Manger in COnfigure Desktop...


18 Till I Die............
sudo : *
For more check out
man sudo
Please give more details on the error. I think it maybe some problem with read/write permissions on some important file. But, well let's see what is the error message.

Akhil Jain

Edited:You already have a thread running on this why are you posting again here - mehul

ok that was because i think that the same type of disscussion is going here and i think here i can get the answer...
in future if i had to do so then if i have to give the link of the thread or it is totally banned????
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