Help regarding some subjects


Broken In
I am a student of ECE. I got selected in TCS. They have asked to prepare for subjects like UNIX, Web technologies, database concepts, JAVA. I have no idea about these subjects except JAVA. Since the time is too short, can anyone suggest me some good tutorials (mainly pdfs) or provide me some links so that I can learn the basics. Its is very important for me.
For Web Technologies goto * Online Web Tutorials for HTML ,CSS,JS, ASP.NET ,PHP

Database Concepts :
In a short time its best if one of your friend teaches you.
Book : Database Concepts - by Henry Korth, Sudarshan

Have you ever used unix/linux ?
If yes the don't worry.
I suppose you would be working live with projects on Unix OS. So go ahead install UNIX on your PC or use Virtual Box /VMWare. Start getting used to it.

Have you started working ?
Tell us exactly what time you have before you start working?
Are you a fresher ?
TCS going to give you training ?


Broken In
Yeah TCS is going to give me training. But before that they have asked us to prepare for these subjects and they will be conducting some tests on it. I am a fresher. Yeah I have used LINUX once in my 1st year but dont remember much. I have used UBUNTU. But I dont think that it will be helpful for me.
I have a few days more than a month left to prepare.
TCS has provided some tutorials. But they are huge. So its not possible for me to check out those.

@fz8975 - Can you provide me some links so that I can download UNIX for free?


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Staff member
To put things short, using Ubuntu is fine. You might mess up while installating FreeBSD.

GNU/Linux and BSD/so-called UNIX toolchain is same for all practical learning purposes.

Get a book to learn the command line. I suggest this book - Linux Command Line And Shell Scripting Bible 2nd Edition -
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