Help needed for Graphic/web design PC Configuration


Swimming, eh??
have you seen future!! the software development is super slow as compared to hardware. you see 6 cores processors and most apps still using 2 cores or so.

the performance difference is not very less. it is significant!!

also gskill and dynet comparison like you have done is useless!!

Comeon man, go easy on me and my tech view. I kno my tech knowledge is way way low than yours. It sparsly exists.
I mean we all have rights to keep our points. Share what we feel. Finally its op's choice to make. I never said my rig is better than yours or vice versa.
I just kept my point and wrote what I think.
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Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
@ toad_frog09

my reply in red:-b

Comeon man, go easy on me and my tech view. I kno my tech knowledge is way way low than yours. It sparsly exists.
I mean we all have rights to keep our points. Share what we feel. Finally its op's choice to make. I never said my rig is better than yours or vice versa.
I just kept my point and wrote what I think.

oh buddy i am no tech expert here, yup i agree that we all have right too speak...and its op to decide
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Swimming, eh??
^^^like i said bro, no hard feelings or grudges.

Keep up the good work btw.
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