Help me! VSNL denying to open some sites!!!

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Choto Cheeta

sujithtom said:
Actually on the cover there was VSNL written and its logo. But the vendor who provided me that told me that pack was really Dishnets and Dishnet was bought by VSNL some time ago. But I check my account balance through VSNL's site. I will try wat u said.

humm...... now u have given the right clue...... yes although VSNL bought Dishnet.... but they dont say it there sister concern.... & they will going to shut down all the link server & will tracnefar existing user to their server.... (e.g. those who use to have dishnet internet email access, they r told to loging from VSNL new ID>....).... & also to chenge their DIAL up ph no.... (172xxx) to VSNL's dial-up no..... now u can call VSNL.... go to & there u should find a link for DIAL up user & help line no...... thats the link for VSNL now.... as TATA has bought VSNL...

so can understant that ur ISP was sold to VSNL then VSNL was sold to TATA.... now its TATA who will decide whether to allow u to access their ISP server or not....

u better call them (customer care) or ask any one where to tell u what is the VSNL dial up access ph no. 172xxx......

now u have told us that BSNL is running slow.... mind u.... my friends over Kolkata access through their account free ISP thats BSNL..... they say BSNL account free is the best of the lot in here... but i dont know where u r from....

now there might be few reason why ur connection gets DC (drops) few mins after.... 1st cheak whether ur Ph has call waiting acctivted..... (simple.. just call some 1 from the BSNL phone & keep on hold or keep talking..... now from ur call ur BSNL no. from ur mobile.... if u get engage tone its fine but if u fing ring but ur ph is busy then its mean the service in no...) deactivet it......

& cheak the ph for noise.....

reply back.....


Ambassador of Buzz
Hmm reagrding the VSNL and Tata thing i thing VSNL bought Dishnet from Tata though i am not sure about it. I went to Tata's site and when ever i click the link to dial-up it re directs me to VSNL's site.
I tried VSNL's customer care. They tried a lot but no use and then told me that my account only had abt 9 hrs balance so if i renew it everything MIGHT be rite and then started to blah blah blah tabout diffrent packs till i hanged the phone.

Regarding BSNL's diconnection problem, our phone is crystal clear without disturbance. I live in Kerala and so BSNL is no free ISP here.

Anyway i must say thanks atleast now for helping me this much but i may ask ur help agian ;-)

P.S no call waiting activated

P.P.S I will ask them Tatas number and try and then reply the result ASAP


Right off the assembly line
temp solution

As u say some web sites open up for u but some dont. You can prolly try free proxy servers from and try to get thru to the site that dont open now.

It will slow down browsing somewhat .. but its a good temp. solution.

Choto Cheeta

As u say some web sites open up for u but some dont. You can prolly try free proxy servers from and try to get thru to the site that dont open now.

It will slow down browsing somewhat .. but its a good temp. solution.

check his tracert over the root server... see his isp has been dynind.... installing that software wont going to do much...


Ahh Finally I find someone else who has my same problem. I have the same problem I cant access, and lots and lots of other sites. But I can access rofl . I also have the dreaded dishnet connection which was bought by Tata. I went to my local Internet cafe over here and tried it on Satyam and found that it worked. I tried the same conection for Dishnet on Mandrake Linux, Windows XP, Windows 98 and on more than 6 computers already. Im pretty sure it was working to recently and couldnt find any other error messages abouts this anywhere else. Im too lazy to call the helpdesk though so Im waiting a while to see if it straightens it out itself.


Right off the assembly line
software ?

Thr is no installing of software required.

Just check and find an ip which works for u. go to browser settings and put the ip n port in proxy settings


Today all the sites on my computer for this ISP is working fine. I can access and others with Dishnet.
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