Headphones (bass) 9-10k


Right off the assembly line
Hi guys!
after reading the discussion i was thinking of buying M50 (budget 10k) (love high quality bass not excess, mainly listen to electronic, trance, dub)
can anybody suggest where can i get those in india... cant seem to find them anywhere (hifimart)
also can anybody confirm if amazon ships them to india, should i go ahead with amazon? any advice...


Right off the assembly line
Look into something like Ultrasone HFI 780/Denon D1100.
M50 is grossly over rated.

ok, checked both
here's the problem
HFi 780 costs 14,500. Only HFi 450 is under my budget, its Rs 6500 plus hear this its Ultrasone entry level headphone (must be kidding) :)
Denon 1100 out of stock on most sites... (amazon, flipkart) plus im not satisfied cuz reviews are no where near those of M50 on any site but cost is equivalent.. plus most of the good issues mention amp used and i cant afford one now (by the way is it necessary? cuz im getting the headphones only to use with my ultrabook not mobilephone?)..
checked other Denon models lower down the hierarchy, found mostly dissatisfied customers reviews...
also checked Sennheiser indian website, filed their form (music(rap), home, closed, 3.5 jack, cable etc) to find a suitable can and result came: no hits found.

I think ill have to go with Sony Xtra bass ones for the time being. Any other lower end headphones you could suggest? till those M50 get available in India... cant even buy a decent can here plus buying an item these days feel like preparing for exams, feature this & feature that...
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red dragon

Master troll
Beyer DT770 is available for 10k @ ebay.in
Denon D1100 does not need an amp.
You can also try MAudio Q40(it was available with grabmore)
For Trance,EDM I would take D1100 over M50.
M50's ideal price would be 6-6.5k,I won't spend a single penny more for it.

Try hunting down a HD25 around 12k,it is by far the best closed can under 200USD

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
The Denon D 1100 is good for Trance and Electronica etc . It has a warm sound signature or sweet sounding with depth in the low end region but the only dropout is the transient attacks it lacks in some tracks. it does emphasize on Bass but then little more bass is better than no bass at all.It dosnt have the European MidrangeOnly Bug which robs a song of its entertainment value.But yes they are not fatiguing too, as a result.

Beyer DT770 - A slight emphasis on bass otherwise great. Better off with an amplifier. Non fatiguing but needs considerable break in time to make them shine. (owned a pair) Recommended.


Right off the assembly line
Wow, thank you to Red Dragon & The Incinerator for helping out.
Well i have been doing some reading on the internet & i have decided to go with the Ultrasone HFi 450... been reading about the Ultrasone, liked its feature very much.. Ultrasone 580 are out of my reach 12500.. as i was already stretching myself to maximum 10,000.
the fact that really made me go towards these is the tight bass (dont like boomy bass much) plus i heard about how Ultrasone is pioneer in reducing the direct impact on ear drum so less damage to ear (once i have even suffered from temporary hearing blackout [more of like fade] from loud music so...)
{btw was going thru the reviews of the bayer & denon when i came across these!!!}
[plus gotta tell you guys im venturing for the first time into the headphones so...]
would love to hear your take on these can...
Thank you very much once again...
Waiting eagerly for reply! :)
ill probably try to visit the authorised distributor of Ultrasone in New Delhi later

The Incinerator

Human Spambot
Ultrasone HFi 450 - Great cans, good sound . But you would require an amplifier for best results. Not very comfortable to wear for more than an hour but can be easily modded to get around the problem. But dont pay Rs 10000 for them not worth the price. Maximum should be Rs 7500 in India.

red dragon

Master troll
I will suggest you DT770 over the lowest end Ultrasone.
As far as I can remember it does not have removable cables,moreover Ultrasone's HFi line always sounds somewhat un-natural to me.
For around 10k DT770 should be fine(buy a cheap FiiO amp later).
But again I will suggest you to save up a little more and get the HD25 1-II.

Personally,have/had/auditioned M50,DT770,VMODA M80,Maudio Q40,Beats Pro,Denon D1100 as bassy cans and HD25 remained my no.1.

It is not only bassy,but sufficiently detailed,mids are not very recessed and vocals sound perfectly fine AND it is fast with amazing decay and offers superb isolation for a closed can.
Of course it is not flawless,the highs could have slightly tamer and soundstage little wider,but overall an amazing can within 200USD,even after 20 years!
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