half life 2 sandtraps ai problem

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NP : Crysis
i'm playing half life 2 these days and i've reached the level sandtraps. in the level, aftre i slay the first antilion warrior i meet, a vortiguant comes to me and tells me to follow him after that he doesn't move. he just stands there and keeps telling me to follow him. i read some walkthroughs and gathered that he' ssupposed to show me how to harvest the antilion warriors phemone glands. but bec he doesn't move, i can't go furhter in the game. plz help


Manchester United
1st of all, is the CD/DVD costing Rs.50 or Rs.1299/Rs.1499? :p

Anyways, coming back to the topic, you need to follow the vortigaunt and perform the actions he tells you. After the training, you have a somewhat big fight with the combine in which you will need to use the antlions to distract and kill the combine soldiers. Use cover in the beach rocks and fire effectively.


If u are playing it from a saved game, it wont work.........play that level again from the begining, trust me, it worked for my frnd.
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