Half-Life 2

Great game. Best FPS in the world.

Don't b in a hurry to blaze through all the levels. u'll miss a lot. Enjoy the game and it's physics to the maxx 8)

Enable developers console in Option --> Keyboard --> Advanced.
U can see a line in the console as
can't use cheat cvars unless sv_cheats is set to 1 So type sv_cheats 1 to enabl cheating.
These are commonly used cheats
God ---------> u know what.

impulse 101 ---> ammo and weapons
notarget -----> invis
noclip ------> move through wall.
sv_infinite aux power 1 ----> inf aux power , Oxygen ,torch power.
also once u hav completed the game try playing the gam only with GG from the 6th level. ENjoy the game to the maxx.
Edit : Oh! i forgot

. u can use the foll command to trigger a cheat using a key within the game. u don't hav to open the console while playing the game. type bind
" your key goes here " " cheat code ".
ie if u wan to quickly have rockets when gunship get's to u'r ass

u can quickly activate notarget by just typing a letter.
bind x " impulse 101"
And u can also use a lot of parametres which aren't necessarily cheats to various physical units to cantrol the physics engine. A few examples that can dramatically improve u'r perforamnce are momentum ( higher the better is u'r speed ), friction (Lesser the better, but u 'll get a bit off- balance) gravity (helps u'r gravity gun and jump height) . I don't remember the exact codes but u can refer to cheatbook.de or u can also just experiment with the console. U can mod these elements to suit u'r playing style. These are just high scool physics .

There is an excellant faq at game faqs for playing only with GG . and the game secrets. Do refer to them. Thank you!