grrr......Why CD buring Fails?

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I was trying to burn Ubuntu 8.04 CD using Default cd writing wizard(Right click on Image > Write to disc)
I have now made 4 coasters in a row. WTF!

i have tried all speed from 24x to 4x.

My burner is Benq 1650, which till now have burned around 25 discs.
so its in mint condication.

What i am missing here and please give some tips to minimize errors.

I always use Moser baer & writex Media


Juke Box Hero
Arey, if it's giving coasters, then why use it at all? I don't understand, go with k3b or Brasero. I use the latter and it has never failed me.


left this forum longback
also gaurish,these speed settings will work or not,I am skeptical
BTW,use commandline ?
wodim(cdrecord fork),the backend :-

personally,I find gnomebaker much easier,brasero too is good.
k3b will be the best,but qt prevents me from using that! :D
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