Graphics Cards related queries here.


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

1)Which game are you talking about?
2)At what settings are you playing?
3)Is it the same system except the cpu and gpu?
4)How are you measuring performance?


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

you don't need to abuse just because you can't understand.

800*600 med = setting
x+y=n means that lower gpu + higher cpu gives performance of n fps
y+z=, means that higher cpu and higher gpu give a performance boost of 30%.


CG Artist
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

I have Intel Pentium D 3.0 Ghz with 6600 GT with 1 GB DDR2.Is this configuration good for quality performance?


Cyborg Agent
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

gaurav_indian said:
I have Intel Pentium D 3.0 Ghz with 6600 GT with 1 GB DDR2.Is this configuration good for quality performance?

U have a descent config......but do upgrade the gfx front after some time..


Cyborg Agent
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

get 2gb ddr 2 667 + a much better gpu

He must have just bought his pc and he just wants to know how does it perform....not what to upgrade......for now 2gb ram won't be his priority.....
And he can use the gfx card for atleast a few months!


CG Artist
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

samrulez said:
He must have just bought his pc and he just wants to know how does it perform....not what to upgrade......for now 2gb ram won't be his priority.....
And he can use the gfx card for atleast a few months!
Yeah you are right I just wanted to know how will it perform.My budget was not such that I can afford a very expensive gfx card.So I spend my money on Nvidia 6600 GT 256 MB(Rs. 7600).And I will use it for at least 2 years.As far as RAM is concerned i have a option of going for maximum 4 GB.But one question I want to ask is what's the difference b/w Pentium D and Core 2 Duo?


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Also, are you including soft shadows in max?

There u go .. just proved urself a n00b .. FEAR can't do soft shadows and AA together .... if u have both of them enabled , then the games uses AA ...

And i give u a proof .. and you don't want to believe me ??? And u give only links to other reviews .??? Dude ... i get ur point ... ur g*y ... and probably gonna mate with ur PC via USB ... This is will be my last ever reply to a fckd up n00b nm "akshayt" ....

I have Intel Pentium D 3.0 Ghz with 6600 GT with 1 GB DDR2.Is this configuration good for quality performance?

Well .. considering the current gen. of games. . u can do really ok without HDr ... but the 6600GT is supposed to be a budget midrange card now .. so u really can't expect much anymore ... but hey ... like i said .. its quite ok ...
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Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

deathmevirus, you are just too rude for debates, no point even saying anything to you. you don't even care to read and logically negate if you can.


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

i have read most of ur arguements and though u did make a valid poing in the begining, u have been talking nonsense since then, a 3500+ with X1950 will be better than a X2 4200+ with 7600GT, this does not mean one sell his X2 4200+, also one will prefer purchasing the later combo because we do more than playing games.....

and please cut out ur nonsense, i did not want to indulge but ur last few posts make no point, he is trying to logically make a point there and if u keep asking "Where's the logic?" none can help you.
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

yeah..........but still he'll not understand and will surely comment negatively on u.........u'll see.


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

I was looking for XFX 6600GT but have to settle for leadtek as the former is not avaliable.. I want to know which one to go for among these.. a lot of models shown here
There is a Winfast PX6600 series and a A6600 series


-The BlacKCoaT Operative-
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Damn guys whatz goin on here... visited this thread after a few days and WHAM! u guys are playing quake4 with each other....

Anyways i came to ask this:
My PC: AMD3000+ / 1 GB DDR400/ A8N SLI/ One 6600GT PCIe 256mb/ 2x160GB RAID-0

Now i want to upgrade my system mainley for gaming.. so I have these options
1. Sell my 6600 and buy a new card. which one do u suggest?
2. Buy another 6600GT
3. Upgrade my CPU

my budget is 10000....
if i go for option 1 then what card falles in the price range of 10000 + 6600GT selling price.
If i go for Option 2 then can anyone enlighten me with the cost of a new XFX 6600GT 256Mb PCIe
If i go for option 3 then what AMD proc can be brought is range of 10000 + A64 3000+ selling price. also would there me much impact on games by upgrading CPU

Ya and if i sell Both Pro and GFX then which new Pro and GFX card can i buy in the budget?

thanks in advance


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Get a 7600GT for ~10k's ... u already have a mobo thats awesome with oc'ing ... so you can get ur 3000+ to 2.4 aka 3800+ GHz in no time ... invest in a better PSU if u have some cash left ... ... getting another single core right now would make no sense ... gather some cash and then directly get a X2 3800+ atleast . which should be around 8k's .... the 7600GT would be better than 2*6600GT if not the same .. and it'll do good even with the stock processor .. and if u do oc then it's a whole new story ...
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Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

no point selling procy, OC it, and get a 7600GT, that should be costing u the same as getting aother 6600GT, i mean (purchase - sale) cost..... u can sell old 6600GT for 3-4k and get new one for 11k, keep the extra cash for a procy upgrade later, right now, after OC'ing it will work great, sonn enough X2 4200+ will be dirt cheap and u can get one


-The BlacKCoaT Operative-
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Now guys that is my kinda talk.....

I already have my a64 3000+ OCed to 2.6GHZ.. so ok no proc selly..
i was also thinking to wait for those cool X2s to get cheap

I want to know if the 7600GT or GS have better tech then 6600GT.. i mean is it worth buying or if there is no new tech(without which a gamer cannot live) in it then i can just go for another 6600GT. My system is kool with SLI. u know....

Also most benchmarks i run.. all show my ram to be low performing.can u suggest some ram manufacturer whose ram is cheap+good performer. i have hynex cheap ram.

BTW my PSU is 550W. so no trouble there


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Well ... likewise .. a single 7600GT will be much better in handling HDr or rather more widely SM3.0 than a 6600GT SLi ... so i'd always recommend that over the two of those ... now ... the 7600's can really get an awesome oc. . most cards easily do 600/1600 on stock cooling .. and some people get even higher .. and since u dont have much problem with oc ... then definitely get the 7600GT ...

Also about the ram .. how did u draw the conclusion that the ram is performing much lower ??? I mean .. with my cheap hynix modules i easily get > 6000 MBps read speed ... so thats quite optimal .. can't ask more i guess ...


Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Actaully prices already dropped, i just talked to the AMD guy in india and the X2 3800+ is already 9100/- so it's already begun, though u might wanna wait some more....

and yeah, 7600GT is a whole diffrent core, it is a 7series card, and uses the same core as 7800 n all, actually the core is just being held back to make a 7600GT, so u have a good overclocking overhead, most 7600GT cores will clock stable at 600/800 or slightly higher, no matter which card u begin with, so if u are an overclocker, does not matter if u get the 560/700 or 590/800 version of the card, save some money and get 560/700, waise bhi u wont get the 590/800 version most prolly

ram...umm.. ok if ur hynix gives a good performance no prob, these dats our market has already defaulted to a better ram than hynix, Some "TwinMos" ram is the default in market which is a good CL=2.5 ram, with respectable benchies, apart from that, transcend, kingston, Corsair are already available... but if u good good benchies, dont bother a read speed above 5500MB/s is more than good enough if one is not sharing memory in GFX card, which u are not
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