Graphics Cards related queries here.


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

Guys I have a gr8 problem,
I have a BIG 7600GS/256MB PCI-e card and ASUS A8N-VM mobo. the card works on friend's intel mobo, but not on my a8n-vm. BIOS upgrade is of no use. There is a slight possibility that i may be able to return the mobo.
Now plz suggest me a mobo which will definitely run my card.

I can visit nebody's place in MUmbai and subburbs and try the 7600gs card b4 buying the mobo. Also does nebody have MSI K8NGM2 mobo? I am thinking of buying that, but i need to try my card first, as the dealer won't take this one back.

PLZ help soon.......


No pain....No gain
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

cyberzook said:
I was talking abt AGP

Well u cud also get the AGP friend is using it (LEADTEK) and as I said no problem till date. Even runs FEAR at medium setting @ 1024*768.


Right off the assembly line
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

kaizadchinoy said:
i wanted to know whether Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 would function on a laptop having an NVIDIA GeForce® Go 7400 Dedicated Graphics Card(TurboCache 2.0 Technology upto 512 MB Video Memory) and 1GB RAM. Processor Intel Core Duo T2250 1.73 GHZ

I really need help on this before purchasing the notebook.. can n e one help me out pls....??


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

6600GT should manage FEAR at 10X7 MED if you have a 6600GT with 1gb ram and obviously required cpu and all.


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

I played F.E.A.R. with a 6600GT and a XP 2400+ at 1024*768 , 2x aa , maxed settings ... ~35 fps ...


Broken In
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

deathvirus_me said:
I played F.E.A.R. with a 6600GT and a XP 2400+ at 1024*768 , 2x aa , maxed settings ... ~35 fps ...

Max settings ...2x AA.... XP2400+....still 35 FPS


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

7900GT XFX around 19k - 20k.
7900GT starts around 17.5k or so for Sparkle.

FEAR @ 35fps @ 2400 XP @ 6600GT @ MAX + soft shadows = Impossible

Anyway 35fps is not the only criteria, how well did it actually run?
Was anything overclocked?
Also show your FRAPS scores.

Also what ever you do with mainstream hardware 6600GT can only do 10X7 MED @ FEAR comfortably, over that it is just acceptable, later tolerable, later crap.


In the zone
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

one thing no one has noticed in the test given in previous page was the fact that GeForce 6600GT was running on AMD x2 4200+, while 7300GT was running on AMD64 3500+. there is a world of difference between these two processors, and considering that, 7300GT did put up a really good show.

samanvya_ad said:
score in
3dMARK 03
7300GT (ddr2)- 6780
6600GT- 9015-9100

score in
7300GT (ddr2)-3100
6600GT- 4050

UT 2004(1024x 768) (4xAA, 6xAF)
7300GT (ddr2)-142-150FPS
6600GT- 210-215 FPS

QUAKE 4(High NO AA or AF)
7300GT (ddr2)- 85-90FPS
6600GT- 95-100 FPS

FEAR(MAx settings but at 1024x 768 tested by the ingame cimnematic)
7300GT (ddr2)- average FPS- 41 (53% above 30FPS)
6600GT- average FPS- 53 (62% above 30 FPS)

I dont have doom 3 and other games...


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

1) If you are playing at high settings and res with a high end card or a good card then there wouldn't have been any/much diff between high end and low end cpu.

2)If you are playing at low settings or not very high settings, then a better cpu is of significant help to your performance.

3)Please keep in mind most games don't support dual core fully and if dual core doesn't have advantages in a game then the X2 4200 will perform more or less the same as the amd 64 3500. check hardocp and firingsquad for which games are affected by dual core performance, I don't think that it could have caused much diff if at all
a)Unless game uses it there is no use
b)even if games use it there is no major diff as of now
3)with max settings at 10X7, the diff can't be too much considering the first two points.
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

but in the future,i think every game will support dual-core processors.
So,dual-core is a better option even if games of today run slower on them than single-core ones.


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

but we are talking of whether the cpu could have made that much diff or not, who denies the dual core in the future.

X2 4200 might not have made much/any performance gain or even might have, check it as I mentioned.


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

1)Graphic card is the most important component and whatever you do don't compromise on it, always try to keep high end or even ultra high end stuff is possible. high end: 1900XT or 1800XT 512mb version only, ultra : CF 1800XT 512mb only or 1900XT CF class, at the very minimum try not to keep anything below upper mainstream. Make GPU the priority.

2)You always need enough RAM, without it there is no point at all.

3)The CPU depends upon your budget.
Low budget: Amd 64 3000-3500, for the future just oc it to the max possible it should be ok.
Medium Budget: Dual Core X2 or Intel Core 2 Duo, both of them should be fine at stock and if required oc them.
High budget: Not required in most cases especailly if you overclock


In the zone
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

many games have started supporting smp, i.e multicore cpu.
and obviously, going dual core is much better than single core.


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

going dual core is only worth it provided you are not compromising on gpu and ram and have a really large budget.

I would rather have Amd 64 3500 + 7900GT than X2 4200 + 7600GT

You can oc the former IF REQUIRED and then for most games there will not be a problem for the game will still be gpu limited.


Wise Old Owl
Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.

I would rather have Amd 64 3500 + 7900GT than X2 4200 + 7600GT

Hmmm ... thats because ur nuts ... oops ur's fallen off .... reminding of old posts eeh ??? that guy already has a X2 4200+ ... why would anyone sell that off and get a 3500+ ??

Graphic card is the most important component and whatever you do don't compromise on it, always try to keep high end or even ultra high end stuff is possible. high end: 1900XT or 1800XT 512mb version only, ultra : CF 1800XT 512mb only or 1900XT CF class, at the very minimum try not to keep anything below upper mainstream. Make GPU the priority.

Yeah .... rite .... this reply my a** ..... how about running a X1900XTX with a 2800+ ???? specially when u don't intend to oc ???? even so with the oc how far u can get ???? every component in the system is important .... and not the GPU alone ...

And if u mean performance ... the the most important would be the CPU + Mobo + RAM combo .. max. of the bandwidth is lost here .... and this severely affect the GPU performance ... about 25% at any time ... ...
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