Arnab boss
In the zone
thanks @ skud....but it is the cheapest I am getting sapphire costs 1k more and has only one fan but msi has two fans with better heatsink and rma is also good....
Zotac 670 amp! or asus gtx 670 non top,which one will be better keeping all the factors in mind?
I have pentium 4 cpu 2.26 ghz proccesor with onboard vga, but now it had the problem that it shows only one colour on monitor, for that problem i came up with new vga card from my store room (zenith pc), i connected it to my pc but it boots well and shows windows xp screen but after that screen goes blank, what should i do?
And y is that?
HD 6670 will be a 10% faster than 9600 GT.One particular model caught my eye, the ATI Readon 6670 1GB GDDR5 retailing at around Rs. 5.2/5.3k in kolkata market.