Government allows up to 51% FDI in multi-brand retail, 100% in single brand

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^^you need to read more.i suggest TOI sunday "all that matters" articles especially by swaminathan aiyer(a brilliant economist/journalist who can tear through any so called leftist views about economy with such ease,if only common people could read him).

@skud,don't underestimate the 90's reform so much.if they weren't implemented we would be in not much better situation than pakistan today.again read swaminathan aiyer articles & you will understand the greatness of 90's reforms.i don't know if you know this but there is a reason why India's economic growth before 1991 economic reform is referred to as "hindu rate of growth"(google it & open your eyes).

now for all those people opposing reforms here is what i have to say.don't oppose a solution if you can not provide an is a simple fact.the USSR(birth nation of communism)collapsed because of economy problems.there never was & never will be a nation more communist in nature than USSR.if this nation couldn't survive on communism no nation can hope to survive on it either.yes capitalism has its problems but still it works.also capitalism like anything else also depend on people implementing it so it is not capitalism fault but people/govt/regulators faults for most of the problems in capitalism.whatever problems our nation is facing today is not because of capitalism but lack of it!!most of the biggest scams have occurred in mining/natural resources,real estate & power you know what is common in them?they all are regularized just like leftists wanted supposedly for the sake of people.these sectors are also the biggest factor of discontent in naxal affected areas so go figure out why the sectors which are still not capitalized are in such a mess while the areas which are capitalized to great degree(telecommunication) enables the local kaamwaali to have a mobile phone.


Cyborg Agent
^^you need to read more.i suggest TOI sunday "all that matters" articles especially by swaminathan aiyer(a brilliant economist/journalist who can tear through any so called leftist views about economy with such ease,if only common people could read him).

@skud,don't underestimate the 90's reform so much.if they weren't implemented we would be in not much better situation than pakistan today.again read swaminathan aiyer articles & you will understand the greatness of 90's reforms.i don't know if you know this but there is a reason why India's economic growth before 1991 economic reform is referred to as "hindu rate of growth"(google it & open your eyes).

now for all those people opposing reforms here is what i have to say.don't oppose a solution if you can not provide an is a simple fact.the USSR(birth nation of communism)collapsed because of economy problems.there never was & never will be a nation more communist in nature than USSR.if this nation couldn't survive on communism no nation can hope to survive on it either.yes capitalism has its problems but still it works.also capitalism like anything else also depend on people implementing it so it is not capitalism fault but people/govt/regulators faults for most of the problems in capitalism.whatever problems our nation is facing today is not because of capitalism but lack of it!!most of the biggest scams have occurred in mining/natural resources,real estate & power you know what is common in them?they all are regularized just like leftists wanted supposedly for the sake of people.these sectors are also the biggest factor of discontent in naxal affected areas so go figure out why the sectors which are still not capitalized are in such a mess while the areas which are capitalized to great degree(telecommunication) enables the local kaamwaali to have a mobile phone.

Messy Post. Couldn't make half of what you're trying to convey. Don't let a single article shape your opinion. Applies for everyone (Me too). Read the article I posted.


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^^you need to read more.i suggest TOI sunday "all that matters" articles especially by swaminathan aiyer(a brilliant economist/journalist who can tear through any so called leftist views about economy with such ease,if only common people could read him).

@skud,don't underestimate the 90's reform so much.if they weren't implemented we would be in not much better situation than pakistan today.again read swaminathan aiyer articles & you will understand the greatness of 90's reforms.i don't know if you know this but there is a reason why India's economic growth before 1991 economic reform is referred to as "hindu rate of growth"(google it & open your eyes).

now for all those people opposing reforms here is what i have to say.don't oppose a solution if you can not provide an is a simple fact.the USSR(birth nation of communism)collapsed because of economy problems.there never was & never will be a nation more communist in nature than USSR.if this nation couldn't survive on communism no nation can hope to survive on it either.yes capitalism has its problems but still it works.also capitalism like anything else also depend on people implementing it so it is not capitalism fault but people/govt/regulators faults for most of the problems in capitalism.whatever problems our nation is facing today is not because of capitalism but lack of it!!most of the biggest scams have occurred in mining/natural resources,real estate & power you know what is common in them?they all are regularized just like leftists wanted supposedly for the sake of people.these sectors are also the biggest factor of discontent in naxal affected areas so go figure out why the sectors which are still not capitalized are in such a mess while the areas which are capitalized to great degree(telecommunication) enables the local kaamwaali to have a mobile phone.

Just answer these:-

these sectors are also the biggest factor of discontent in naxal affected areas
1) Why the resource poor districts in Bihar & WB are the hotbed of naxals, despite not having these mining/natural resources,real estate & power sector etc. as you stated?

most of the biggest scams have occurred in mining/natural resources,real estate & power you know what is common in them?they all are regularized
2) Why such a big scam occurred in telecommunication after all the capitalization? And previously also (during Sukhram's regime, if you can recall).

For example, check the history of banking in our country. It was a mess prior to nationalization. Then 90s reforms have helped the banking sector a lot. But in today's time, open entry of foreign banks will again lead to class banking instead of mass banking. Because it is still regularized, we are talking about financial inclusion and all. And despite general apathy from bankers it is happening, albeit slower. Then there's regional imbalances, what is possible in Southern states is simply not possible in Northern parts. Neither capitalism nor communism (or any other ism for that matter) is the solution of every problem. As you rightly stated, its the people who matters. And are they dependable? I guess all of us know the answer.

Oh, by the way, Greece was almost on verge of collapse after all the capitalism. Neither other European nations are doing very well. And lets not start talking about 2008 recession and all.

Read KDroid's post (post #18), you will get some insights.


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sorry @skud but i see no point in further arguing with you or @kdroid,please take this as constructive criticism.i was there during 1991 reforms reading newspaper articles.i knew as soon as i posted my previous post that you will mention 2g scam,sukhram,2008 recession & possibly just shows that you don't have enough material/subject knowledge to engage in debate with someone reading articles for over 20 years now from both leftist & right wings(your point about scam in telecommunication clearly show this,someone like me whether leftist/communist or right wing/capitalist would never raise this point because of its shaky foundation).my suggestion as i already said is start reading swaminathan aiyer articles in which you can find rational counter arguments to all your questions.even today leftist leader Sitaram Yechury raised a point about govt giving huge subsidies to pvt sector/industries whose answer completely proving it wrong was there in one of swaminathan aiyer's articles i read months ago!there is a reason why economics is considered as a complex subject so arguing on economic issues is pretty pointless unless you have extensive knowledge or you have the necessary wouldn't engage in serious debate over pros & cons of gene targeting therapies vis-a-vis conventional treatments by reading a few articles over net for a few years claiming it to be useful/useless now,would you?


Staff member
I would just say that this was probably not the right time to make the call. May be restructuring local market(or however you define it) could've helped much more.


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sorry @skud but i see no point in further arguing with you or @kdroid,please take this as constructive criticism.i was there during 1991 reforms reading newspaper articles.i knew as soon as i posted my previous post that you will mention 2g scam,sukhram,2008 recession & possibly just shows that you don't have enough material/subject knowledge to engage in debate with someone reading articles for over 20 years now from both leftist & right wings(your point about scam in telecommunication clearly show this,someone like me whether leftist/communist or right wing/capitalist would never raise this point because of its shaky foundation).my suggestion as i already said is start reading swaminathan aiyer articles in which you can find rational counter arguments to all your questions.even today leftist leader Sitaram Yechury raised a point about govt giving huge subsidies to pvt sector/industries whose answer completely proving it wrong was there in one of swaminathan aiyer's articles i read months ago!there is a reason why economics is considered as a complex subject so arguing on economic issues is pretty pointless unless you have extensive knowledge or you have the necessary wouldn't engage in serious debate over pros & cons of gene targeting therapies vis-a-vis conventional treatments by reading a few articles over net for a few years claiming it to be useful/useless now,would you?

I hope you have the necessary qualifications, experience etc. so why don't you enlighten us about the questions raised instead of just referring to one person? Also I would personally like to know how our rural mass is going to be benefited by all this and whether that profit will be equal to or more than what foreign companies are gonna get.


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@skud,i thought i made myself very clear when i said i am reading newspaper articles for over 20 years now.if that doesn't count as experience in your viewpoint i don't know what you really think that i can convey my 20 years of experience to you even in 20 large posts?for starters read basic economy terms:inflation,money supply,capital account,current account,deficit financing these in context of india before & after about india's banking sector ridiculously high SLR & CRR before 1991 & Narasimham Committee about the infamous "licensing raaj" before 1991 in which you have to pay penalty if your factory produce more efficiently resulting in more production than sanctioned!!(yes,that's right,penalty for increased efficiency).see some old serials/ask old relatives about the importance of getting a bsnl landline phone after 4-5 years of wait & inviting the entire neighbourhood for about the marginal tax rates of 93.5% in early 70's for highest income group(that's right govt thought at that time that since we can't make poor rich why not make rich poor,if everyone is poor then no one will complain about rich)which gave rise to the almost parallel black money economy & income tax officers were considered as about the changing trend of tax collection & compare the percentage of personal income tax from early 80's to 2000.after you have done all this & still think leftist/govt management/FDI/investment/pvt sector is bad for then & only then engage in debate with someone like me.

if all the above sound too much here is a practical & simple example.left front ruled west bengal unchallenged for more than 20 years implementing nothing but leftist/communist policies supposedly for the sake of people & see where it is today.USSR collapsed & China after the great cultural revolution abandoned the mao's philosophy & started working on attracting FDI & initiating reforms under Deng Xiaoping & see where it is i said discussing economic issues is not something you can seriously engage in with just a quick reading or even a few years of reading.economics does not work in vacuum but has to be seen along with political,social as well as legal system.whatever flaws are there in capitalism they are also present in socialism/communism & with much greater degree.

Its not gonna help our poor people. Kdroid's post says it all. But yes, we had to do it(allow FDI), if not today then at some point of time in near future. Now, the important thing is: By aggreeing to open ourselve up, could we extract enough from them in return?


Still in war with allies
Hmmm , FDI in retail ....... It would be easier for wal-mart to dump its waste in a third world country like India , and because of loopholes and corruption it will be easier for wal-mart to get away after nuisances just like dow chemicals went away after bhopal gas tragedy
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Wise Old Owl
Bit long but I request you all to go through it.

Every line makes sense to me.

Most importantly this

It is what Walmart does everywhere.

it is something what every firm in the US does ( major electronics retailers atleast) . many of you may have heard of the term "Dynamic pricing" is something what flipkart also does, when they see that a product is selling for a good price and is not avl in the open market easily, they jump the gun and charge extra. For example : A headphone has a MRP of say 1900 ruppes, in the open market suppose the cheapest price is 1500 then flipkart will sell the same thing for 1600 and then 1800.

Its not gonna help our poor people. Kdroid's post says it all. But yes, we had to do it(allow FDI), if not today then at some point of time in near future. Now, the important thing is: By aggreeing to open ourselve up, could we extract enough from them in return?

that will depend on how this proceeds, ultimately in another 20 years or so, MNC's will be handling all food production rather than local markets.

But curiously, as i heard people mention "middlemen" . In India we have so much of already built up infrastructure and systems in place which can be used to immediately boost the economy, yet they are being continiously abused by the middlemen and the babus.

We have motherdairy - a source for most of the food products likes fruits and vegetables, even milk products.

we have the PDS - Public Distribtution Sytem.

Why do we need Walmart and costco to do our retailing?

We can effectively remove the middlemen and cleanse the system, inviting fdi multibrand retail will only wreck havok with the current political scenario and eventually lead to the death of manufacturing and production in India. The government has to protect the local economy? Or soon we will end up where America was a year ago, but just worse.


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We can effectively remove the middlemen and cleanse the system,inviting fdi multibrand retail will only wreck havok with the current political scenario and eventually lead to the death of manufacturing and production in India. The government has to protect the local economy? Or soon we will end up where America was a year ago, but just worse.
:yeahright: says the guy who post arguments in support of legality of downloading from internet.since i already assessed your intellectual level from your reply to my last post in that anti-piracy thread i won't even bother to prove how pathetic sounding your argument is.remind me of the hyper "East India Company is coming again" statements i used to read in paper just after 1991 economic is a free piece of advice from someone far more experienced & knowledgeable than you:don't open your mouth in front of people like me in real life or else whatever impression you may have will be spoiled.


Wise Old Owl
:yeahright: says the guy who post arguments in support of legality of downloading from internet.since i already assessed your intellectual level from your reply to my last post in that anti-piracy thread i won't even bother to prove how pathetic sounding your argument is.remind me of the hyper "East India Company is coming again" statements i used to read in paper just after 1991 economic is a free piece of advice from someone far more experienced & knowledgeable than you:don't open your mouth in front of people like me in real life or else whatever impression you may have will be spoiled.

i do not support that downloading copyrighted media via torrents is legal. i just said that since the laws are lax and not strict one can avoid any punishment for downloading copyrighted material from the internet.

Choose your words carefully next time.

Secondly if you seem so competent why dont you try to provide your "superior intellectual insight" and tell me what i meant by my statement and this time please try to reduce the melodrama

Do you even know the reality of PDS in India? IT DOESN'T EXISTS.

That is what i already mentioned, that we have the infra but because of the blatant abuse of the system all that money is going down the drain.


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@ NoasArcAngel,read this.this is my reply to everyone & not just you who wishes to engage in a serious debate with me regarding FDI/economic issues.


Wise Old Owl
and since none of the monkeys on this forum ( who by the way just learned how to type and by coincidence know how to speak english ) carefully read by what i meant. let me elaborate:

Firstly : How will the Multi-brand FDI affect the Food distribution system ?
This is the topic of prime concern, because almost all other increase in prices have secondary effects . Like when fuel costs increase so does the cost of perishable goods, electricity and all such commodities. When Multi-brand FDI is put in place in India, You may assume that most of the food will likely be bought from Indian farmers and sold, However that is not the case. The increase in the food intake per capita will start increasing once the prices start coming down and no there will be no shortage of food, but a good drought can certainly change things. In the past India has been importing pulses from countries like Australia. Indian lands are not so fertile which adds to the problem, so the food production value keeps on going down per unit area, as a result to obtain the same amount of yield you need to keep on working on a bigger area. Drought conditions in many areas / or untimely monsoon also adds to the woes.

The second problem is the distribution and storage of food, whatever FDI invests in india will not be setting up their own Storage hubs, and most of the grains and pulses are stored in the Government granaries. TBH these are not very well maintained and as a result of which millions of tonnes of grain is rotting every year lying idle simply because there is no one who can transport it.

FDI will help in increasing the efficiency of the food distribution system, and reducing the prices by cutting out the middle-men, but the problem is how long will the system be able to handle this? Because again we will have farmers going up in arms against the FDI for giving them a lower margin of profit.

As a result of this India may not be producing self sufficient food, and in the coming time we may require to import most of our food.

Secondly as we all know that the current situation of the government and even the politicians is not good. I agree there are a few people in the government ( and no i am not referring to the prime minister ) who are doing good work and even some MLAs and netas. But they are not doing enough and their support is very little. The cogs of the indian bureaucracy are so tangled that it is like someone took a large needle spindle and tangled everyone in. It is not so simple as people think, India was a collabration of states and there are many different ideologies so it is very very difficult to maintain the balance of power and still get the work done.
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