Google launches its Chrome Browser

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Ambassador of Buzz
Hi All,
Finally The Mighty Google has launched its new Open Source GOOGLE CHROME BROWSER today morning at 4:00 AM approx (Indian Standard Time).

And there is only one word for this: AWESOME

This browser is really feature rich. I am liking it more than even my favorite Firefox. I am posting this thread from the CHROME.

Download the CHROME at:



and experience it for urself..

I AM JUST LOVING IT.......:p:p:p:p


Think Zen.
Already being discussed :

What exactly do you mean by 'feature rich' again?
Coz the way i see it , Chrome's the browser with the least amount of features around.
It has a lot of features that r missing in other browsers..
Like what?
Tabbed browsing? Thats there for as long as I can remember
Speed Dial? Opera has it already.
Porn Mode? Safari comes here
Open Sourced Browser? Isn't firefox open source?
Think before posting :wink:
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