God vs Devil

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who makes the law? who decides when is it ENOUGH???
yes, im doing this for argument's sake.

yes, i feel strongly in both cases.
both are made to reign in human potential, one is done in a good way(for the good of all), one in a bad way(for the good of nobody). decide which is which.


Human does, it is well planned out and Law isn't just a thin book with a set of rules. That is why becoming a lawyer/judge is not at all easy. I still don't see how you are relating god, devil with what you just said above. Care to rephrase the sentence?

If you are telling that God should come directly and punish the guilty man, then it is foolish. Haven't you heard some quotes from movies like, the guilty can never escape, the sinner if not caught in jail will be punished through other way in his lifetime and blah blah.

They mean that God indirectly through humans punishes the bad, or sometimes it may occur through natural disasters too. Sometimes even the innocent gets killed i.e. the devil provokes the bad people to do that.

If you feel like punishing someone is not our right, then go on and beat the crap out of one of your friend in front of his well..father and see the later consequence of who decides what.
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This is teh Fight Club. You're allowed to say anything, even if it offenses the opposing debater.

The Conqueror

There's nothing good nor anything bad. Human invented terms. These are just some terms used to encourage people to live in peace and harmony. Basically for survival every organism has to consume another living organism (even if its a plant coz plant is also living).
As the saying goes :
"Every day a deer wakes up, knowing it has to outrun the fast lion
or be hunted to death

Every day a lion wakes up, knowing it has to outrun deer
or be starved to death

Whether you are a deer or a lion, when the sun rises, better be running at your best."


Steam High Templar
In Islam, Iblis (Shaitan) is not a punisher, he's the "bad being" who encourages the beings of the world to commit sins. Antrichrist in Christianity is somewhat complicated really.

In case of punishments et al, as far as Hinduism is concerned, Shani punishes during your life and Yama, the god of death punishes in afterlife. Both are gods, and are prayed to.

do some research,antichrist is noot the "devil" its just a part of evil.in christianity/jewism we have the epitome of evil a devil lucifer(a fallen angel who got kicked out from heaven with his cronies)lucifer dosent "punish" evil souls. he's the one who tortures souls bcoz he gets a kick out of it.God punishes bad souls by sending them to hell where's the devil to take care of them......
hindus like greeks on the other hand do not have a devil


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Let me clarify everything in a nutshell.

Let's start with the devil. There is a lot of ambiguity regarding the identity of the devil. Some people believe that the devil and lucifer are two separate beings, while some believe that they are one and the same. Note that the Bible does not mention whether they are same or not.

Lucifer was once an angel, who got kicked out along with his supporters because of rebellion. It is speculated that he had become proud and held mankind in low regard. Therefore, we can assume that he is trying to get back at God by turning mankind against Him.

The Anti-christ is another entity altogether. In the Bible, he is not mentioned as the anti-christ, but is called the beast, bearing the number 666. Some Bibles state that 666 represents a man's name, therefore raising speculations that he is one man. The list of possible candidates are endless.

The anti-christ is said to come to the world as a forerunner of the devil himself and cause great strife. It is speculated that the current state of unrest and war could be the doing of the anti-christ. Therefore the end of the world is at hand. But, the Bible speaks of the anti-christ in a cryptic manner, raising a possibility that the anti-christ could also mean an ideology or a state of mind of the people i.e. a sinful state of mind.

Now, God is the supreme being who created everything in and out of the world (duh!). In the Revelations it is mentioned that at the battle of Armageddon, the forces of Satan will engage the forces of God. The forces of Devil are speculated to be four superpowers of the world (I am guessing US, Russia, China, plus 1 more), who will converge together for battle. Forces of God are destined to come victorious (we shall never know). Then God makes a new world for the righteous and everyone will be judged of their sins.

And they lived happily ever after.


If any doubts, feel free to ask me. I have godlike knowledge on this topic (pun intended).
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